Chapter 15: Decision

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Though Mulan knew that it was not smart to request the Emperor to report a person missing when the missing person was once their enemy that caused mass destruction, genocide, and panic all over the country, she was good with words that she knew that she can persuade the Emperor in some way. After dinner, she decided to talk to Shang about her plans.

"We're going to talk to the Emperor," Mulan explained her plans. "I know how to persuade the Emperor after saving China twice. He will respect my opinion."

"Are you sure we can do this?" Shang said. These days, he never objected anything that Mulan suggests. He knows she's wise enough to think about everything. Still, he was still concerned about what will happen when she mentions that Shan Yu is alive.

"We will need Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po, too," Mulan said.

"Should we also bring the princesses?" Mushu also suggested.

"That would be better," Mulan said. "We need as many witnesses as possible."

"Right. Let's do this," Shang said.

"Don't leave me out of this!" Mushu said. "I promise, I won't do any harm to you guys this time around!"

"You've done harm to us before?" Shang asked.

"Uh... well..." Mushu stuttered.

"What he's trying to say is that he will help out the best he can because he felt that he was not helpful enough last time," Mulan said. "Now, let's go! Spit-spot!"


Meanwhile, at the Imperial City, one of the servant knocked on the door to wake the Emperor for breakfast. "Your majesty, breakfast is ready to be served," The servant called gently as she respectfully knocked on the door. As the door opened, the servant was too shocked that she couldn't even scream.

"Hello," Shan Yu greeted with an evil, toothy grin.

The servant backed away as she silently shuddered in fear.

"Now, madam, don't be afraid, I won't kill you," Shan Yu said. "You, ma'am, are going to be MY royal servant after all."

The servant gulped. A drop of cold sweat ran down from her head. She could barely breathe.

"And there's your precious ex-Emperor," Shan Yu said as he opened the door wider so that she can see the Emperor, who was all chained. She gasped but still couldn't say anything. Shan Yu leaned over towards her ears and said, "Inform the guards, inform the servants, inform the councils, inform everyone... the new Emperor of China... has been crowned... their faithful Emperor: Shan Yu... make sure you mention the name too, do you understand, ma'am?"

The servant ran away as she gasped repeatedly.

Shan Yu walked in front of the Emperor. Emperor hopelessly looked down. "I'll take that as a bow, old man. Don't worry. I won't kill you." Shan Yu lifted the Emperor's chin with his two fingers, making him face him, and added, "I need you and the soldier from the mountain as my bait. When I have both of you become my slave, the whole country will panic and will start obeying me. That's my plan. So don't be so down. No one has to get hurt anymore. I've reached the palace after all." Then he evilly chuckled as he folded his hands behind his back and walked out to see guards pointing their spear at him.

"It is TRUE!" One of the guards screamed in fear.

"We thought you were dead!" The other guard exclaimed in disbelief.

"What tenacious monster!" The other guard exclaimed as he raised his spear higher. "Raise your arms! Now!"

"Foolish," Shan Yu said as all the spears were pointing at him. He headbutted one of the guards, specifically who called him a 'tenacious monster', making him faint, and grabbed the spear and pointed at the rest of the guards as he said, "Go! Tell the whole country that they have to meet a new Emperor!" The guards had no choice but to follow his directions. After one of them fainted, and blood ran from his nose, they were too afraid to battle against Shan Yu. "I'm ready..." Shan Yu said as the guards were now out of his sight. He scratched his chin and walked inside the room. "It's time old man... let's chain you somewhere else. Somewhere everyone else can see... but before we do that, tell me where your prison is..." He chuckled evilly.

Mulan - Shan Yu ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now