tears fill the sky at night

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Sero didn't know what to do the next day. He woke up and all he could think about was how he was supposed to deal with his disease. He couldn't just ignore Kaminari, but every time he does something cute Sero starts to feel sick.

At school, he chose a seat next to Mina. This way, Mina was in between him and Kaminari. He slumped in his seat. His head rested on the palm of his hand as he dozed off.

'What happens if I do get surgery?'
'It probably cost a lot...'
'Sero shut up! You're NOT getting surgery!"
'Sero you just spoke to yourself in third person!"

These were all the thoughts going through Sero's mind. If you couldn't tell. He did not want to get surgery because that meant he could never love Kaminari. But, he also didn't wanna die.

"Oi, Sero?"


Sero looked to his side to see Mina poking his shoulder.

"You ok? You seemed... really deep in thought." Her left eyebrow was arched up to express her confusion. Sero forced a fake smile, and a fake giggle followed.

"O-oh, heh, I was?" Sero was acting dumb. He didn't want to tell Mina what he was really thinking of, obviously.

"You can't lie to Mama Mina. I know all." She was right. Mina was an expert at spotting liars. And the fact that Sero was a horrible liar, sure didn't help.

"Tell me child. What's on your mind other then Kaminari?" Sero nearly choked on thin air. Mina's words completely caught him off guard.

"W-wait! No! why would you-!"

"Hush child!" Mina said shutting Sero up. "It's obvious you like him. Don't deny the gay, but you look sad today, is something wrong?" She asked, looking more concerned then earlier.

"W-well... no." Sero mumbled.

"Hey, if somethings bothering you why don't you talk to Kaminari? Don't let your crush on him make you forget that Kaminari is your best friend! You guys can talk to each other about everything!" Sero started blushing a little. He covered his face with his hands.

"Mina, Kaminari is the last person I wanna talk to right now." Sero mumbled his words but Mina heard him loud and clear. This definitely confused her. She new how close they were. Inseparable best friends! So why is Sero refusing to talk to him?

"Wait Sero-" at that perfect moment, Aizawa walked in and silenced the class. Including the now very concerned Mina.


"Hey Sero!" It was now after school and Mina had at least a hundred questions for Sero.

"What now?" He asked.

"Why don't you wanna speak with Kami!? Don't think that we didn't notice how you weren't at lunch! Everyday at lunch you sit at a table with me and the Bakusquad. And you ALWAYS sit by Kaminari! So where were you-!" Sero cut her off once he realized how loud she was being.

"Fuck off Mina! Seriously! It's not your business!" Sero began to walk away furious with tears forming in his eyes. Mina quickly grabbed his sleeve stopping him in his tracks.

"Listen! If you don't wanna talk fine but at least tell me where you sat at lunch?!"

"I sat on the roof! Happy now?!" Sero tugged his arm away and freed his sleeve from Mina's grip. He then stormed away on the verge of tears.

'Great! Now kaminari thinks I'm ignoring him! God I'm an idiot!!'

Kaminari kept his distance, but he saw the whole thing. He was oblivious to whatever they were talking about, but he for sure heard his name.

"Mina, what was that?" He asked approaching her. Mina turned around to face Kaminari. She looked mad. And Mina's never mad.

"Your best friend is ignoring you and wont tell us why!" Kaminari noticed Sero's behavior today. He wasn't at lunch, apparently he ate on the roof, but he also avoided him throughout the day. Kaminari didn't know why, and he was even more curious and confused then Mina. That's his best friend after all.

Private Chat: Sero and Kaminari

Kaminari: hey sero are u okay?

Sero: yes

Kaminari: are you sure? You haven't been acting like yourself and it looks like you've been avoiding me all day

Sero: I didn't mean to. I'm sorry

Kaminari: I don't want you to say sorry I just wanna know why

Kaminari: are you mad at me or something??

Sero: no I'm not

Sero: I'm just not in the best situation

Kaminari: then why haven't you talked to me about it yet? We talk to each other about everything!

Sero: i know but this is different

Kaminari: how?

Sero didn't respond. He just shut off his phone and began to sob. He was sitting on the floor in his room. He sat down and leaned against a wall. He brought both hands up to his face and tried to drown himself in his own tears.

'I shouldn't be crying. It's not death I'm scared of, it's the fact that this disease has only taught me that Kaminari doesn't love me, and never will. This whole time I was waiting for something that was never even gonna happen.'

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