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"Ok, it's today at 4:10. So about an hour after school." His mother spoke.

"O-ok great." Sero answered. On the inside, he was panicking. But he knew this was his only option.

"Don't worry hun. After we get rid of this disease, you can fulfill your goal of being a hero!"

"Heh, yeah."


At school, Sero knew today was the last day. The last day he would have these feelings. Feelings so strong he couldn't control them no matter what.

Kaminari looked equally as sad as Sero. He didn't speak to anyone as much as he usually did, and he didn't make any jokes in class. Not one. Meanwhile, Sero had completely shut himself down. He didn't speak to anybody, he didn't smile once and during lunch, sitting on the roof, he didn't even touch his food. Instead he contemplated whether or not he should jump off. Thankfully, he decided not to.


"Alright, this is only gonna take about two hours. Obviously, you'll be passed out the whole time, and you should feel a little woozy when you wake up. But trust me, you wont regret it once it's done."


"Sero, how do you feel?"

"Really strange... but, better."

That same night, 6:30

Kaminari bashed his head against a wall thinking of how fucking stupid he was this whole time. Thinking back about Sero, and how all he wanted to know was why he cared so deeply about if he had done anything wrong. Sero was ignoring him and avoiding him for days. All he wanted was his best friend back.

"H-he's... more then a best friend. I.. I think I like him..."


"S-Sero! Hey I wanted to apologize! I don't know what I did but I'm really sorry I just want my best friend back and I-"

"Kaminari. Don't worry about it." Sero looked down at the shorter boy and smiled. "Shitty things were going on, and it wasn't your fault. I'm better now." Sero felt so... normal. It was as if all his feeling never existed. He didn't understand it at all. He remembered crying over the thought of his friend not loving him back. But now, it's like all of that was his imagination.

"Y-you're smiling... I haven't seen you smile in so long! I-I missed you Sero!" Kaminari wrapped the taller boy into a big hug. Sero laughed at the sudden action.

"Missed me? I never left, bro!" Sero said laughing. Kaminari laughed a little as well. This moment was short lived. Soon, Kaminari was the one to start feeling sick. A pain stung his throat while his stomach ached like hell. He began coughing over and over again. Sero noticed, and tried to confort the blond.

"Hey Kami! What's happening?!" He got no response. Kaminari was still gagging and coughing like mad. He pushed Sero out of the way and sprinted to the bathroom. Sero didn't know what was happening... but it all looked so familiar.

The bathroom was empty so he pushed open a stall and hurled himself over the toilet. He gagged and gagged until he felt something crawl out of his throat and fall into the toilet.
When he was done, he closed his eyes and covered his forehead with his hand to see if he had a fever or something. He opened his eyes and went to flush the toilet, when in the water, he saw red petals floating.

"W-wait, what?"

"Kaminari! You in here?"

The sound of Sero's voice got him out of shock instantly, and he flushed the toilet as soon as possible.

"Y-yeah... Sero, it looks like I caught your disease, hah."

The Taste of Roses (kamisero / serokami)Where stories live. Discover now