Chapter 4 - He Remembered

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An hour had passed just like that. Along the movie, food, my source of joy came along. I know people think airplane food is gross but I love it. To me, it tastes really good and I would willingly buy it any day. Nico had a  habit of doing nothing else when he was eating and as a respectful person I stopped watching too. Or maybe I stopped because he literally gave me a death stare when I was about to continue without him. Surprisingly, the movie was quite entertaining. It was definitely one of a kind and I could not wait to see how it would develop.

However, I swear I saw Nico whispering a few lines with the movie but when I probed him he simply denied. After that every few scenes, I would steal a glance at him, but he seemed totally normal, engaged deeply in the screen. A few times, I caught him looking at me which caused him to quickly shift his sight to the screen. Some scenes were not the most comfortable because it being a rom-com and us being hormonal teenagers it was bound to happen right. All in all the movie was going well and as soon as we finished our meal, we continued the movie.

Nearing the end, I could feel my eyes welling up. How could Augustus just pass away like that. They were so pure and true. They deserved so much better. I couldn't bear to see it end. As tears streamed down, I closed my eyes thinking about what could have been a romance to last a lifetime.


"Hey, wake up" a soothing voice woke me up from my slumber. Blinking my eyes a few times, I realised I was in the most comfortable position and I had no intention to move from it. However, soon I regained my senses and realised it was someone's shoulder. More specifically, Nico's shoulder. With my eyes as big as saucers, I immediately got up and apologised profusely.

Thanking the gods for making sure I didn't drool, and hoping no one saw me, I unbuckled my seat belt. I had been in a deep sleep for the rest of the flight and everyone was now getting off. Well, mostly everyone was off the plane I supposed because there was hardly anyone left. Once again apologising and thanking him for waking me up which must have been tough, I rushed out of the plane.

I knew that was the last time we would see each other considering he won't even have time to spare me a look. But I had to admit, there was apart of me that enjoyed it and maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Putting that aside, now I only had one thing to focus on. The Olympics. I shoved all these memories at the back of my head and made sure all my thoughts are only about the games. As my eyes wondered for a familiar sight, I spotted Liz and Matt waiting for me at the corner. Immediately, I sprinted towards them and all I could hope for was that I wouldn't trip on the way.

After ignoring all my prayers on the plane, it seemed the gods finally took notice of me because I reached them without even a single mess up in footsteps. Shocker, I know. Anyways as I reached out to hug the two of them, Liz immediately stopped me by grabbing my hand and shoving her phone in my face.

"Explain this!" she exclaimed holding out a picture of me on Nico's shoulder sound asleep and him on top in similar fashion. The colour on my face drained. There was no words that could describe the horror i was feeling at that moment. Blankly, I stared back at Liz at a lost for words.

"I knew that we had a plan to switch once we got on the plane but I was one of the last to board the flight so I had no time to find you. Feeling guilty, I came halfway through the flight to find you and see if we could work something out. Instead, I found you with him, in that position! I thought you hated him! What were you thinking? What happened?" Liz exploded with confusion and a tinge of anger.

"For starters, it was an accident. From the minute I got onto the plane so many things happened. Trust me I did not plan that he had to help me with my suitcase and he had to sit next to me followed by him and I watching a movie and me falling asleep on his shoulder! I really hope no one saw us." I replied as trepidation filled my heart.

"Well, if it's an accident it's alright I guess. For a moment I almost thought something was going on between you too." she said causing me to flinch. " Anyways, it's no big deal, you guys are just sleeping so if anyone saw it, don't worry too much. But, I must say you two look cute together, well putting aside his bad side of course." Liz winked at me, causing her to earn a slap from me.

With a sigh, I wrapped my arm around both Liz and Matt as we continued to walk into the city where all our dreams were to be fulfilled. Just as we were heading on, I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around. There, a pretty face greeted me with an even prettier smile.

"Here, you left your phone. Also, I realised I didn't catch your name."

I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought he was long gone, yet he was standing right before me. My mouth agape, I continued to stand there probably looking like an idiot. Understanding my situation, Matt quickly came to my rescue. "Her name is Mia, and thanks for helping her." he said while receiving my phone.

"No problem. Anyways mine's Nicholas but you can call me Nico. You should already know that though, considering we met before Ms Abalone Fahrenheit." He smiled and walked away with a wink.

He remembered.

Grabbing my phone from Matt's hand, I turned it on. It opened up to a contact named Nico with a number attached to it. Surprisingly, a smile crept up on my face and I rolled my eyes.

As I switched it off and continued to walk. My phone lit up to a text.

Nico: See ya around ;)

And that was when I noticed, my lock screen had been changed. It was the picture Liz had shown me, only from a different angle, focusing on two people, Nico and I with a screen in front of us showing a kiss between Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters.

Author's Note

Hello everyone!!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, do comment and vote :)) This is kind of the continuation of the previous chapter so I really hope you liked it. I'm so sorry for TFIOS spoiler but hey, if you haven't read/watched it yet, I don't think you would have been saved from other spoilers so please spare me. But for those who haven't read/seen it, I really tried to ensure I don't have any references or that the story isn't referenced to so that you can still enjoy this book. Let me know if y'all have any thoughts! Have a great week ahead!


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