Chapter 6 - As a team

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His eyes continued to stay on mine until I broke the eye contact.

"Uhm, sure, anyways we got to head on"


And so the silence continued.

I swear if there was ever an award for worst conversationalist, I'd win it hands down. I mean I couldn't even keep up with just a simple conversation interesting. Dear god, what was I to do.

Eventually,we reached what seemed to be a magnificent edge. A portion stuck out of the mountain and had a perfect rock formation to sit and soak in the view.

With sunset approaching, we basked in the sun's diminishing glory as we saw it grow redder as if angry at our ignorant behaviour. Pink clouds engulfed us as darkness followed.

"I mean it ya know, the real you is worth it"

Perhaps it was the light atmosphere that comforted me or his soothing voice that forced me to open up. Any who, that night I made myself vulnerable by pouring my heart out.

Yet, the feeling was anything but vulnerability. It was more of comfort and a sense of freedom.

"Do you even know the real me. This is the first time we are even meeting"

He gave me a are you sure look and immediately I knew where he was gnawing at.

"Fine, twice"

"I know you hate classic movies with cliche scenarios like romantic scenes or overplayed comedy but don't want to admit it publicly in fear of judgement of being less of a woman, I could tell that day in the plane ya know,

You love adventure and mystery something that thrills you yet hate bending rules or being under secured, which is very complex and confusing but so uniquely you,

Lastly, your food is your top priority, you dug up a mean meal on the plane" he ended off with a simple shrug.

My jaw dropped agape. How could this man possibly know so much in just a few hours. He had read me like a book and there was no denying it.

Society's perception was always pounded on me since young, coming from a conservative family. Swimming already gave me an athletic build which was unflattering according to my relatives, so naturally I tried my best to stay away from "manly" activities.

However, to me, I always knew that all activities were the same and that nothing made me less of a woman. But this was all deep deep down so to just dig all of this back up and surface these buried feelings was a shocking revelation.

"Okay, you kind of know me. How did you figure that out anyways"

"Just payed a little attention"

"Fine if you're so smart then, why do you even know this place so well, we're literally in a foreign land!"

Nico just stared at me. I thought he was not going to say anything but after 10 seconds he started talking.

"Well, my parents and coach always knew I was going to be in the Olympics, or least wanted me to. Knowing that the Olympics was going to be held here, they decided to send me here frequently, so I'd get accustomed to the area and atmosphere. They believe it'd give me a "home-ground advantage".Don't laugh at me please"

"How can I not?" and I started bursting. Typical rich boy getting benefits from mommy and daddy. At that point it was hysterical for him to have a connection with this land because it was now his "home".


By the time I finished laughing, the only company we had was a lamp post and the moon wallowing behind us.

"Oh my god, the instructor! The whole group is going to be looking for us, you did not even follow the route" I wailed while my eyes squinted in anger at him.

"Nah don't worry about it. I do this every time, the instructor is an old friend"

I swear even in that dark lighting, I could see a small wink and smirk from him.

Proceeding to roll my eyes and hit him several times, we started walking back to our rooms.

"So when are you starting training?" I questioned, quite curious to know what an all-star's schedule looked like.

"Tomorrow morning, I'm going to start off at the pool and finish off the gym. What about you?"

"Same here, gotta adhere to this till the weekend and then it's just core workouts before a repetition"

"Tell me about it, ugh. Anyways, speaking of the weekend, would you go to the Olympians' Gala on Saturday?"

From my reaction, I think he knew what I was thinking. Immediately, he followed up,

"With the rest of the team of course. As friends, as a team" and cue nervous laughter as he bumped his fist on my shoulder.

At that moment, I was honestly so confused this calm cool man was acting so strange and abnormal. Perhaps he was tired or something, because I was just confounded at that point, I shrugged it off.

"Yeap, Liz and Matt are going to accompany me," I said with a smile, unable to remember whether he asked was I going to the event or would I go to the event with him.

As we reached the resort, he went off with some off his buddies and I slowly walked up to my room, taking in the entire night. It was a lot and I had to remind myself to not get distracted and keep my eye on the prize.

Revising, my schedule, I returned to an empty apartment that had a note, "Gone out, sleep tight - Matt and Liz"

I knew they were talking about the Olympians' underground social nights where Olympians party their hearts out and interact even before the formal events. At that point my fatigue was overcoming me but I knew the night had just begun.

Slipping on a cocktail dress and a nice pair of heels, I belted off to the gathering. Excited to broaden my athletic circle, I left as an innocent girl but little did I know that was going to change.

Author's Note (IMPORTANT)

Hey lovelies! Since returning to this amazing platform, I have thought long and hard about some things. My major exams (equivalent to the SATs) are coming up and in fact I'm in exam season right now! I still want to give quality content though.

Thus, I will only be uploading a chapter a week till the end of November but after that I would probably be able to churn up a chapter per day.

Thanks for all the support and please comment and vote as it really motivates me!

As always,


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