Battle by the waters~Part 2

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(Aki POV)

My heart speed up. They called out attack moves and commands. Greninja was doing his own thing because he only listens to me. I was scared they were going to get hurt.

Both Gladion and Greninja have the uper hand. Having more experience than the grunts. The grunts were defeated shortly after I shut my eyes not wanting to see anymore. Gladion picked me up and took me back to the hotel. I feel asleep in no time seeing that they were not hurt. I feel into the land of pitch black.

Waking up I got scared, because no one was around. Then I heard the shower running meaning Gladion was in there and saw Greninja  right next to me asleep. I wondered where Gladion was because he was always here with me unless he went to the store. I knew that was not the case because he went shopping yesterday. 

I waited for about an hour, watching TV to entertain myself. About 30 minutes later Gladion walked in. He was bleeding from his head and covered in different bruses. My eyes grow wide as I see him. I freaked out and fell out off the bed and ran to the bathroom for the first aid kit. I also got a wet rag to wip his head. I ran out to Gladion  who was sitting on the couch avoiding eye contact with me. I cleaned his head and bandaged it while putting healing cream on his bruses. 

After all this was done I hugged him and cried. I really did not like seeing him getting hurt. He hugged me back and let me cry. I soon fell asleep after crying so much. I clung to him afraid he would not leave me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry for not updating for awhile. I have been stressed with school and with going to my mom's with exams coming up soon. So I will try to update more.

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