Chapter 20: Chess

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Sylla teleported everyone somewhere nearby to the last Laboratory. "The barrier is up so Pentious is definitely in there. We need to find a way to get into the lab." Asila said worried. She then had an idea and looked at (Y/n) "Sweet child, can you fly yet darling?" (Y/n) shook her head and replied "No miss..." Asila smiled "No need to call me miss. I believe I'm older than you by just a few years. Now close your eyes and focus of trying to summon your wings."

(Y/n) did as she was told and she focused. A bright light shone despite her closing her eyes and her wings began to show. "Excellent work! Now come. I need you to activate your vision." Asila offered her hand out to (Y/n) and she took it. The two flew up and (Y/n)'s eyes became a bright gold. Asila took a small amount of energy from (Y/n)'s power and all of her own powrt to break the barrier in a beam of light. (Y/n) was then told to go back to the ground to join the others to enter the now broken barrier.

As Asila finished disintegrating the barrier, her vision became blurry and her head, light headed. Her wings disappeared and she fell to the ground, her energy fully depleted. "I told you to be careful Sylla!" Angel exclaimed as he ran toward the weakened fallen angel. "Her eyes opened slightly as she said "You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up. I promise." (Y/n) grabbed Angel's hand and ran into the barrier with Charlie and Cherri leading the way. The entrance was locked, and there was no way in.

Cherri took out a cherry bomb and attempted to blow up the entrance, which worked. As the four were infiltrating the lab, Sir Pentious was busy torturing Alastor on what seemed to be a metal table. "Aren't you tired of resisting?" Pentious asked annoyed as he turned up the voltage. At this rate, Alastor could die the second time. Pentious was tired of getting zero results, therefore he placed a crown on Alastor's head. "Congratulations Alastor. You are now a king." Pentious said with a smirk.

Alastor got up, weak and confused. Sir Pentious then Activated the crown, which made Alastor's head throb. He shouted in pain. Pentious laughed as he said "A king under the control of a Chess Player!" Sir Pentious then walked up to the pain stricken Alastor and whispered "There is no one to help you. Not even that dead angel that you loved so much is going to come back because I sent her back to heaven, Remember?"

Alastor knew that it wasn't true. But the thought of it happening made him laugh insanly, tears falling from his eyes. "Don't you touch her Pentious. I will rip you eyes out, All of them!" Alastor screamed in pain. Pentious chuckled as he held a remote and pointed it at Alastor. "You're my puppet now. And Until you get me those wings, I'm going to make you suffer. He hissed, happy that he has control over one of the strongest demons in Hell.

Back to the four demons running into the laboratory, they were met with Sir Pentious's robot security, who were not afraid to break a few limbs. Cherri handed each person a bomb and only to use it in case it is most necessary. "Come! This way!" Angel found a door that leads to another room. Charlie ran towards Angel but Cherri and (Y/n) were no where in sight, until Angel heard a scream. "Angel! Charlie! Help!" (Y/n) screamed as two robots targeted her. She tried to use her bomb, but it was defective.

Cherri was also fighting one of the robots, but was scared to throw the bombs because (Y/n) was behind her. Angel and Charlie dashed towards them and pulled them away from the robots, quickly entering the door that Angel had found earlier. Asila finally gained enough strength to focus on Charlie and teleport to her. "Sylla? Are you okay?" Charlie asked when she saw Sylla forming from a white light beside her. Once she was fully teleported she replied "Yes I am. I'm sorry I took so long. Pentious's real lab is all the way in the top floor, but it takes awhile to get there."

Angel then pulled (Y/n) to the side and asked "Are you okay? Did those tin cans hurt you?" (Y/n) shook her head. "No, did they hurt you?" Angel shook his head as he smirked. He kissed her forehead and replied "Don't worry about me baby. I'll kill whoever that hurts you, I promise." (Y/n) felt so safe as Angel told her those words. She hugged Angel, which took him by surprise, but hugged back. The two joined the rest and they went into a futuristic looking elevator.

"This elevator doesn't lead to the lab anymore" Sylla said shocked, having bad memories return to her when she realises that it only leads to the Chess Room. "I... No, I will come along with you." Sylla swallows her fears as they ascend to the Chess Room. As the doors to the lift opened, they entered a room full of darkness. One by one, they left the lift and held hands in case they were to loose each other.

Suddenly, something gripped Charlie and pulled her away. Before the rest could scream, they too were grabbed and everyone began screaming as the blue light of the lift got further and further. As the floor lit up, it resembled a Chess board. All of the members in the group were placed on a box and were all in the white team. "What's going on?!" Charlie shouted, afraid. Suddenly all of Sylla's eyes became black as insanity wrapped around her. Memories of when she was alive began to haunt her as she hated to be controlled.

"Sylla hold it together." Angel assured. As bright lights shone from above, they managed to see each other clearer, and also what was opposite them. Giant black chess pieces. The man who controlled the black chess pieces gave them all a sinister feel. "No... it can't be..." Sylla cried. (Y/n) shifted her eyes to the person who would be controlling the black pieces and her skin turned pale as her eyes met his.

"This Can't be..."

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