Chapter One - Waking Up

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Waking up

I wake up on a metallic bed

Covered in wool sheets that itch my legs.

My head throbs,

But it's nothing compared

To the pain that is screaming from my wrists.

"Where am I?"

I try to remember.

I get up and take a look around

Only to find myself lying in a bleak room

With grey walls.

I lay back down.

My memory is fuzzy,

Maybe even erased.

By myself of course,

So I wouldn't have to remember what happened.

I'm used to repressing bad thoughts,

I'm used to grasping every bit of remorse

And shoving it to the back of my mind,

So I can try to hide from it.

But finally the terrifying thoughts hit my brain

And rattle me from the inside out.

I remember what happened now.

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