Chapter Five - Why ?

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This is all i can ask myself.

This is the only word that my tender lips

Can manage to choke out.

Over and over

The word plays in my head,

Flashing back to memories I had tried so hard to forget.

Why me? 

I had a good family.

A loving and slender mother.

A stern but fun father.

Even a little sister,

Who was always so very little. 

My family was never a problem.

It was the influences 

And the stress,

The hurtful words

That the people in my school spat at me,

Like I was dirt.

Not a person,

But grimy 





Only days before this,

There was a silly girl who picked up a razor

And decided to end her life.

But before she did, 

She went over all the bad things that had happened,

She decided which ones were worthy 

of her precious tears, 

And which ones weren't. 

She brought back moments of guilt,

Moments of force,

Moments that weren't her fault,

And moments that were.

These moments became reasons.

Reasons why.

And that silly little broken girl,

Was me.

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