Chapter 3

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 The situation was still tense with the presence of the unknown guy. Brooklyn and Shawn observed them carefully. Thinking what may be their next move.

"ATTACK!" The guy with the eye patch ordered his minions. They all started to attack the twins all at once.

A guy was about to attack Brooklyn but she swiftly avoided the attack and kicked his stomach, the guy falls down. Shawn easily defeated two people but more kept appearing. "What the heck?! Why are they more guys?" Brooklyn said it out loud.

Suddenly Brooklyn and Shawn both got kick in the stomach at the same time which causes them to fall down on their knees. The eye patch guy laughs, watch the twin's downfall. "This is the Bloodthirst Twin? HAHA, such weaklings! Once I've beaten you, I will kill your family so that I will be known to the world! HAHAHA! EH!?" the guy turned and saw that the men who was holding the twins were on the ground, groaning in pain. "W-What happen?!"

Brooklyn and Shawn both stood up and looked at the eye patch guy. "You are one disgusting piece of paper, you know that?" Brooklyn said while cracking her knuckles.

"You think we will be defeat with a weak attack like that? I'll show you some real punches!" Shawn started to attack the people on his right while Brooklyn handle the left. One of the guys picked up an abandoned pipe by the trash. He walks slowly to Brooklyn, to ambush her. Brooklyn was to busy fighting that she didn't realize that someone was behind her, lifting up the pipe, getting ready to strike. Shawn saw that person. "SHIIRO! LOOK OUT" Shawn shouted to Brooklyn, causing her to turn around.

'Is this the end of my beautiful young life? Dear kamisama, I don't want to die yet' Brooklyn closed her eyes waiting for the impact to come but it didn't come. She shrieked after opening her eyes. The guy with the pipe flew a few feet from her, and a guy with black hair and red ends was in front of her. She assumed that he was the one who kick the guy with the pipe.

"Why are you making a scene here, Jacob? Didn't I say clearly the other time to not make a scene at our territory?!" the black hair guy said sternly.

"Uh Oh. Boss, he's here. What should we do?" one of the guys asked the eye patch guy.

"Sh!t ! I'll deal with you twins later. Don't think that this is over. Let's go boys." all of the leave quietly.

Shawn ran to Brooklyn and he hugged her. "Oh sis, I'm so glad you're okay. I thought I was going to lose you." Shawn said, hugging her more tightly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I should pay more attention to my surroundings. It's all thanks to that guy with the black red hair. Eh? Where is he?" Brooklyn look around, searching for the guy. "Hey! You there! The guy with black hair with red ends. Please stop walking." Brooklyn stoop up and chased after him. The guy stopped walking and faced the twins. "I just want to thank you for earlier." Brooklyn extend her hand. The guy watches her hand before smirking

"I didn't do that to help you or earn your gratitude. I am just protecting my territory. Also, if you don't have enough skill to fight, then don't fight." He said laughing.

"Hey! Don't say a- "Shawn didn't finish his sentence because he was shocked when he saw Brooklyn punch him straight in the guts.

"I just came here to give you my gratitude not to be judge by you! You don't have to be rude as heck and then give me some weird stuff about my skills. Guess what motherficker, I have enough skill to take your stinky ass down! Let's go Shawn. I want to quickly go home and wash my hand before it gets polluted. I heard that jerkiness can be contagious. We're wasting time here with this, this, this jerk!" Brooklyn turned around and started to walk away. Shawn chased after her.

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