7. Jace pov

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  I was trained to be a spy all my life for the best spy of all time. I was told the history of this amazing spy and was told I'll no longer be working for the man Mr downs himself but his daughter which I don't know her name cause we address ourselves with official numbers and everything we do is strictly business.

I trained her to do things of a spy cause I've been in it for years and I guess fit to be her trainee. she being a fast learner even made it more easier for me. I live my normal life and after school I go to my other world I don't need to be called before I know I'm supposed to go there and I know when I'm to leave but sometimes I get called for emergencies like last time I had to leave 9:45 when riele slept over.

But what still confused is the fact that Riele looks exactly like my boss, but there's is no way in the world they could be the same person cause every time I arrive my place of work she's always there...I guess ...cause I'm only allowed to enter her office when I'm called or I have important news but even if ....I still had to place a call to her informing her I'm coming to her office. Well I guess we have two same people  in this world. Well damn they're pretty..I can't even choose they're two same people in different body.

Today was interesting, but this time I had to leave school to work cause it was an emergency call.
We've been working on finding this black magnet which is remaining five. We've risked people lives, going to dangerous rooms but it's been up to a year and we are yet to find the 5th magnet. Normally it's takes us a month to track down the hiding place of a magnets and we've to defeat bad people before having access to the magnet. I'm number 709 out of 1000 and I'm yet to find mine, other's that are like 708, 707 or so found theirs and it's confusing. We're supposed to find the magnet's orderly 1000 backwards.

Now we're left with 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004 and 709. I'm kinda of scared but relaxed cause there's still still five more.
I got to my office and started working on finding the 5th magnet and a signal was popping on my computer ,I clicked it and found out it was where the 5th magnet was kept I was surprised I quickly placed a call to my boss which she answered...see she's always at work she's definitely not Riele. It took some minutes before she called again and said 7009 in my office 7009 in my office...

I took my laptop and rushed to her office, telling her we should go to the basement cause I got some other equipment there.
We got to the basement and I was about to tell her but we got interrupted by a call telling us we should leave there.
Just entering the office we heard a bomb blowing off in the basement. Phew that was close... I thought.
Then she paused a little before asking me what was the emergency....I turned to my laptop since I got another notification before turning to her again.
I think i know where the 5th black magnet is....
She just looked at me shocked, I was also shocked when i found out too...we've been looking for almost a year now.

She took a minute before talking
Well then let's go check today's fighting match.
We left her office to another room, the biggest room that's where we hold meetings to find out which two people would be finding the magnet or to discuss or to promote those who are to be promoted cause not everybody are promoted. You have to work hard and if you're not promoted you'll go to the number of the person that's closer to you that has been promoted. Like if your number is 0007 and another is 0009 or 0008
And is promoted, you'll go down to 0008 or 0009 while the person goes to your number.

we also have new spies that are under supervision . eventually if everybody gets promoted a person will fill in the remaining number. I don't really understand this promoting stuff I'll just focus on what we're about to do.
I looked at everyone and saw they were all seated while I was just in the spotlight, everybody giving weird faces

I guess if you're done day dreaming you would switch on the match machine.... I heard my boss say
Yeah...I'm sorry...I went to switch on the match machine with embarrassment visible on my face.
I operated the machine, scanning it ,it scanned for a minutes flipping different faces before it stopped at two faces clearly writing their names. 1000 and 0069. They skipped to the front with smiling face. When choosing, you just get excited that you got to represent your squad and if you do very good...who doesn't love promotion.
I guess you're excited to be representing us...my boss spoke
We're so honoured...they said still smiling.
Well then j- sorry 709 get the backups ready..we can't risk loosing any lives again...she said

I just stood up going to the men quarters(😁) was she about to say Jace but sh- I can- ugh forget it it can't be possible
I alarmed them and go back to meet my boss
Did it...she asked
Well then feel free to go home...since we found the 5th magnet I don't think there's any more work left....she said
Uuhhh...I'll just uh go stay in my office and mm search the 4th magnet or mine in emmm...advance yea advance....I shuttered
But you know that's not possible , until we find one before we can locate the other....she said
Okay so you going home now....
No...she replied
Why...I pressed
Uhhh...I guess searching up that 6th black magnet is a good idea....she laughed nervously
Yea...u can go...she finished
Ok...I just left for my office
Okay that was weird.... I thought.

I got to my office and the event that happened started playing around in my head.
I got drawn from my thought when I heard my office cell ringing.
Can you come to my office...she said
Okay she wasn't formal like 709 in my office 709 in my office...what is going on
Hello...she pressed
Oh sorry...yes in a minute
Kay...she hang
I stood up and go to her office and saw rummaging through stuff. I guess she heard the door opened and closed cause she rose her head a little bit to acknowledge me before putting it back down to continue her search

Oh good Jace you're here Jace i-...she started but interrupted her self
Wait what!!! ..I whisper yelled
She just slowly look up with her eyes wide opened and her mouth  while I just looked shocked.

You bet is a cliffhanger
Finally this writing is over...at the beginning I don't know what  to write I just decided to do something and this came...sorry for the shitty writing I just hope you enjoy
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Peace out✌

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