3. Riele pov

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Like class was like a zone out for me....we went to yea we Jace and I to two other classes until lunch and even with his hotness I'm still mad cause he was acting snappy when we were at his locker this morning
And now he's tryna act all nice without apologizing for his snappiness I just agreed to seat with his friends cause I don't know anybody to seat with I hate being alone and beside cause Sean's there so yea....
And now I'm talking to Izzy, Ell and J.
We are talking about forming a group
Ella is the nerdy bitchy one. She's smart like very but also act like a bitch in so many  ways.
Isabella is the kind of bitchy type and smart but not that smart but gotta whole lotta bitch side u don't wanna mess with.
Jade is totally one Bella bitch girl , and also smart and yes you don't wanna mess with her and that's one thing I like about her. And
Me... of course I'm the boss duh. And yeah a nerd but shusssssh you might wanna keep that to yourself and I also have a secret but yea.
Are you okay....jade
Cud you just kinda zoned out....Jace
Nobody asked you to butt in....
Andddd she's back....Jace
We all laughed
We all groaned and went our separate ways well not all of us but yea you know like Jace and I locker are next to each other so we went together.......silently

Skip( sorry)

We all rushed out of the class and best part it's the last class for today. I got to my locker and immediately
Drinnnng....my phone
I brought it out from my back pocket and checked the message it's from my sister.
Hey little bitch I won't be able to pick you from school that dumb boss want me to work extra shift . but you should be able to walk home its not that far and the key is under the mat cause mum and dad went for some dumb one month programme. Well see ya sis...and yea sorry kinda deserve it.
What the....
Shut up....
I went to the front door time to start my foot journey home....did I say with Jace behind me who still hasn't apologized.
He being a gentleman went to open the door....still hasn't apologized. He opened it immediately I got goosebumps it was so cold.... What the butt oh no I can't trek home now
I knew it was gonna rain...Jace
And is still raining....
Oh so you talk....Jace
Oh so you know....
Agh you always have the answer to everything.... Jace
Cause I'm smart....
he tried saying
Don't you dare....

He went out going to the car park....I just stood under a canopy but this rain doesn't seem to stop anytime soon. He entered a car ....wow he has a car.
I have no choice hut to start my walk home in the rain.
Oh no nobody is home and my damn sister knows I'm scared of being home alone. Dang it.
Pimmmm pimmmm
I turned to see Jace looking out the window of his car.
Yo Riele get it....Jace
Being me I opened the car and settle in before closing the door....
Really you did not even protest.....Jace
Excuse me I didn't request for your help but you offer to carry me so why would I decline....
Gosh Riele....Jace
He started the car and asked for the direction of my house
That's when I calm and became scared.
Mmm Jace uh can you like take me to your house....
What... why....Jace
Well you see nobody is home and it would be uh uh y-ou kn-ow u-h-h yea boring
He started laughing.
What's cracking your ass up....
I know behind all your bitchy act you're scared of staying alone.
Whaaaaaaaaaat nooo....
Sees ahhh...Jace
Just shut up and drive...
Riele's scared....Jace Sang
Want a smack from this fist....
No no...Jace
Now drive...
.yea yea...I'm driving....Jace

Hey hey guys here's an update finally....sorry for the delay Jaeleslays. And yes guys don't forget to vote comment and please read my other books thank you
Peace out✌

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