Chapter 10

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“He got very mad and then started to beat her and to hit her with everything in the room” my mouth falls open as she talks

“The girl was bleeding when the cops arrived and he got arrested. Harry told me that Marcel really lost his mind. When he went to the police office to see what happened, Marcel was sitting there looking at his bloody hands murmuring one word, ‘Cheater’”

I have nothing to say. This is so unbelievable.

“Did he go to prison? Is that’s the reason he’s in the first semester?”

“No he didn’t. They proved that he wasn’t sober or that he was insane I don’t know, it’s something like that” that sleepy head is yawning

“Heyyy, wake up” I hit her with the pillow

“You bitch stop that” I don’t stop

“Okay okay, just stop I’ll continue” she yawns again “After that he got some therapy but his parents didn’t want the people to know so they sent the boys here. And here he got the therapy when Harry stayed with Marcel the whole time until he got better. But as Harry says that was the first time he cared about his brother, he’s always hated him because Marcel was the loved obeying boy. He also said that they got too close to each other and he realized that Marcel wasn’t bad, he deserved everything he got. Also Marcel taught Harry how to be nice but Harry refuses to change his life and chose to stay as he is, he told Marcel that he should try to be like him. After Marcel was fine he met another girl and liked her, but for sorry he tried to be like Harry and tried to kiss the girl, just as their lips met he remembered what happened that night started to get angry repeating the word ‘cheater’ but thank God some people stopped him before he hit that girl”

“Wait wait wait, what do you mean I don’t get it” I stop her

“The thing is whenever Marcel touches a girl he gets that case and starts to hit the girl he touched”

“Oh My God” I say

“Do you realize that this is the hundredth time you say oh my God?” she raises her brows at me “Whatever, after that Harry kept Marcel away from eyes or ‘girls’ and kept telling his parents that they’re doing well and that Marcel is being better but he doesn’t want to study in the college at the time while in fact he sent him again to a therapist until he makes sure he wouldn’t do it again”

“Do you mean that when he touched my legs he thought the same and he would hurt me so he left so quick?” I ask

“You’re very stupid I won’t continue” she leaves my bed and throws herself on hers but I run after her

“Come on please tell me” I move her sleepy body “Come on”

“You’re very annoying. I want to sleep”

“I’m not letting you sleep until you finish”

“Fine” she huffs for like the hundredth time in an hour “Harry knew that Marcel has to stay away from women and he told him but he didn’t know how. But smart Marcel knew that no girl loves nerds, that’s why he wears like this”

“Ohh that’s really smart. I like him even more now”

“Wait what?” she looks at me


“You said you like him”

“Yes, so what. I I don’t mean it like that but he is a likable boy you know” I actually don’t know why I said that

“Okay, we’ll see” she half smiles

“But..” I say then stop


“If Harry hates me and wants me to stay away from both of them why didn’t he just let Marcel hurt me? That would keep me miles away”

“I don’t know but maybe he doesn’t hate you”

“You think so? ’Cause I don’t”

“Well, what I think now is that I want to sleep. Get to your bed now or I’ll call the cops to take you so I can sleep”

I do what she asks ‘cause I know she’s crazy and would do that.


Next morning,

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