Interview plan

98 12 34

Okay so I've decided I'm gonna do both topics and I'm going to split the interviewees in half.

The following have said they want to be interviewed but need to choose which topic they would prefer to do.


Let me know if I missed you out! Those of you above, do an in-line comment to which topic you'd prefer to do.

-Mayura, Nathalie x Hawkmoth, peacock miraculous

-Adrienette and their (past and future) development, the reveal, etc.

Please note that...

However, if there is an overwhelming majority for one particular topic, then I'll have to put some people at random in the other group, so just be warned you may not get your preferred topic if that comes to be worst.

Also, since a lot of you have put yourselves forward for the interviewing thing (thanks so much for the enthusiasm guys - it means a lot 😊) there are two things I could do.

Suggestion #1

Say 6 of you go for Topic B and 7 for Topic A.

They'll be around 8-10 questions, so out of the six who are supposedly doing B, each person would be asked half of the questions. So in the issue, you would see:


Person 1

Person 2

Person 3


Person 4

Person 5

Person 6

And so on. It'll either alternate (as shown as above), or just be split in half, but you guys don't need to worry about that because it'll be me who'll be organising the order, etc.

The same would go for the people who are doing topic B.

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Suggestion #2

I could just split you in half. Say 6 of you want to do topic B and 7, topic A. Then I'll do a lucky dip thingy for the 6 from topic B to choose three people to answer all questions. Same for seven, except it'll be four people I choose in this scenario.

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So, which suggestion should I do?

Comment for...

Suggestion #1

Suggestion #2

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