-)Thirteen: Calling Coffee(-

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"We all ready? Sound off."






("I don't have a last name. Should I get a last name?"-- "It's fine, Junior Junior, just use your first one.")

"Er, Vision."

("That did not sound correct."-- "Your surname is where you start wanting to be a real boy? Your name's Vision. Take the hit, Pinocchio.")

Steve ignored Vision and Tony muttering in the corner, and turned his attention to the earpiece resting in the little container in front of him. God, he hated those things. Sighing and wincing in synchronised and probably never-to-be-repeated levels of irritation, he gritted his teeth and got it over with.

It wasn't so much the gross factor as the fact that Tony Stark, armed with a virtual version of Clint's book of Dad Jokes, would have unlimited access to his sound receptors until the mission was over. For someone who claimed to hate them, the billionaire had an affinity for puns that was rivalled only by fifty-year old dads with bear guts and baseball caps too small for their heads.

He was so distracting by his impending pun-shaped doom that Steve almost missed the last name.

"And I'm here too."

Steve froze for a second. Just in that moment, he'd thought it was her. But of course the familiar name only came from Sharon, raising a questioning eyebrow at him from the doorway.

Relaxing, the captain allowed himself a small smile, "You got my message."

"Yeah." Sharon seemed to be containing a grin of her own, "Note on the outside of my window. Very classy. Were all the pigeons busy?"

Steve rolled his eyes, "It's important."

"The last HYDRA base?" Sharon asked.

He nodded, "If Buck's still with them, that's where he'll be."

"Am I missing something?" Tony Stark gestured to Sharon, "Why is she in my house? And why does she have the entire Harry Potter box set?"

Sharon was indeed carrying a hefty set of movies, which she lifted a little higher, seemingly in offense, "Steve called or, er, wrote me to look after Dan while you guys are out. I wasn't going to do it without backup."

"Harry Potter is your backup?" Tony inquired doubtfully.

The agent didn't see this question as valid enough to dignify with a response.

"You know she doesn't really need babysitting." Sharon turned back to the rest of the Avengers, seemingly deciding that Stark wasn't worth her time, "She's fifteen. And she's lived on her own for two and a half years."

It was Natasha who volunteered a response.

"She's still dangerous, and we're not stupid. Well," She ammended herself, "I'm not."

"Bullshit." Sharon retorted without hesitation, "If you actually thought she was a threat, you wouldn't leave her alone with a single agent. One of you would stay."

Steve looked down.

"Wow." Sharon smirked at the superheroes, "Colour my stripes and point my stars-"

"Not an expression." Stark volunteered.

"-You're worried about her." Sharon finished with a triumphant expression. She shook her head, smiling, "The Avengers potty trained by a sixteen year old from Cornwall."

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