TWH: 5

140 5 1

3rd Person POV


Wonho eyed the tattered group before him, "when can we eat? I'm starving!" He growled, eyes flashing for effect. "Not sure...but we have a plan in place, we use Namjoons power to effect every international fan and every person into a widespread panic. And from then on, we feast!" Jin smiled, his eyes a baby blue.

"Gotcha...who's namjoon?" N asked, looking around the other 19, a silver haired male raising his hand high. "I am. But I go by RM." RM smiled, his eyes glitching to grey.  "" The dancer chuckled, not sure how to feel about the situation. "So what are your...quirks?" Hongbin asked, his voice still soft and unused. "Well...we escaped from BigHit. They did experiments on us and we have abilities you'd see out of comic books." Jimin smiled softly.

"Speaking of comic books...whered the maknaes go?" Kihyun took notice of the missing three, starting to panic. "Ah fuck..." His words were cut short when an electric volt spiraled around them, followed by a loud growl. "Found em...but what the fuck." They all looked at Tae, who hadnt spoken since the warehouse. "Kookies probably killed someone by now...why is he the first one!? Damn golden maknae..." Jin sighed, motioning to follow him toward the maknae's mayhem.

Hyuk laughed at Jungkook, Changkyun clapping his hands and saying, "again! Again!" "For a hyung, you sure are childish changkyunnie-hyung." "I don't give two boston shits kookie...make lightning sparkles again!" I.M smiled, waving his hands around for effect. Hyuk, the eldest of the three, looked at them with confused eyes. "You two are strange...wait. Question, are you two evil maknaes as well?" I.M and Kookie nodded with equally devious smiles.

"It's maknae on top for us." Jungkook chuckled, his laugh coming out glitchy. "Same here, only my hyungs fight back." Changkyun sighed, thinking about how naggy Kihyun is. "'re a hybrid, and you're an electrical manipulator. Interesting, shall we leave the hyungs or play around." Hyuk asked, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's play around. I got bangtan, you got get...vixx?" Jungkook smiled, his eyes lighting up like xmas lights...literally.

"Lezz get it!" He smirked as he left in a bolt of neon purple light. He stopped behind RM, smiling as no one had seen him. He let his electromagnetic wave manipulation ability seep into his telekinetic one, smirking as he made RM lift his hand. " not doing that..." Kookie internally chuckled, causing rm to walk in a circle. "Why the fuck am I doing this!?" The lavender haired boy smiled proudly, making RM do the idol dance. " I'm dancing, what the literal fuck!?"

Changkyun popped up behind Shownu, smirking slyly. He let his thoughts invade his hyungs, "dance like a chicken...hyung." Soon enough, the two maknaes had their leaders dancing like idiots. Changkyun shared a laugh with Kookie, the others noticing their existence. "Holy shit." "I can only spin for so long! KOOKIE-AH IM GETTING DIZZY!!" Namjoon yelled as he did another spin. Hyuk used this as a distraction to get the voodoo doll.

He found the burlap barbie and spoke a name, "n hyung..." And everytime he moved the doll, N would move as well. "Oh no no no, Hyukie I will neck chop you I swear to god! Let your eomma go!!" Hyuk shook his head no, making his hyung dance shangri la. N growled, looking completely done with his dongsaengs shit. "So...we need to kill...that's the only way for us to survive." Suga smirked, Kihyun seeing a new side to his old deagu buddy.

"Oh boy..." Shownu sighed, still dancing around like burning poultry. "We get food!?" Wonho and Changkyun cheered, Kihyun realizing how hungry he was. "Yay! And I get some new writing utensils for my next album." Suga smirked, his arms coating themselves in flames. "Woah! Hyung...calm down." Jimin tried to calm Yoongi down, failing. "Guys...he won't dim out." Tae sighed, his secret ability warning him of the upcoming genocide.

"Let's go then! Dont wanna waste any more time than we already have! Maknaes quit playing with the leaders." Jin splashed a few water droplets on the three, them turning around. "Uh oh..." "Maknae. Attack!" Kookie ran toward his madnae, volts of energy pinging through his veins. "Kookie-ah, what did I ever do to you!?" Jin yelped as a volt hit him in the back. "You stole my ramyeon with out telling me, and on top of said suga-hyung ate it!!" He zapped the elder again, laughing whilst he did so.

"Ah...guys! Help me out here...there are 18 of you!! You can stop one, annoyingly fast, maknae!!" Jin screamed, the others looking at each other. "You're on your own bro!!" Jooheon spoke up for the first time in a while. "Aish!" Jin was soon disabled as Kookie walked toward him. "Don't steal my ramyeon..." His voice glitched in a meniacle manner, Jin looking at him shocked (*rim shot*). With that statement, the younger walked away to join the others.

"So...when we gonna leave this wooded area and do some damage?" Wonho smirked, his fangs peeking out which scared Minhyuk and Hyungwon. "Relax...I'm not hungry yet." He assured them, his stomach disobeying him as it rumbled. "Okay, I'm not starving yet" Kihyun looked at his maker, his eyes matching Wonhos crimson ones. "Uhm...I'm kinda hungry too, don't know what for but I dont think I can cook this kind of food." Eomma-hyun sighed.

"Well...let's go hunt! We'll get back at the lady who keeps control over Vixx and we'll use our abilities to assist where we can." Jhope seemed happy, a person in the distance choking on nothing. "Whoopsie..." The sunshine boy giggled, his eyes turning a greenish hue. "Hobi-hyung's here! We got 22 hours to kick ass and take lives!!" Jungkook smiled, looking around for his next victim that wasn't a hyung.

((Boop-boop...hope you all enjoyed this chapter, next will continue the story!))

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