Chapter Two: Hard-Headed

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I grin at King and Bunny when they both stop and look back at me. Immediately though, I wear off the grimace after meeting King's cold eyes. He really has that dark aura which never fails to rack my nerve.

"What did you say?"

"Arsonist," I reply bravely.

"I saved your ass from the fire. That doesn't make me an arsonist."

"Seriously King, let's talk about it," I dare.

"Viper, we'll meet after class," He says to Viper who just waves at me before leaving. "Now Youngblood, what do you want to talk about? Make it quick. I cannot spare another minute for you."

Now, I am agreeing to the people in the house that I have this beyotch attitude because right this moment that I am facing this arrogant jerk, I can feel it surging fervidly in my bones.

"So, we are schoolmates huh?"

"I don't have time for that, silly girl," He comments and then prepares to leave.

"Why did you save me?" I ask which sojourns him from walking away.

"Don't make me regret why I did it," He answers unkindly without bothering to look back at me.

"How did you know I was there? I can remember that I didn't shout or ask for help. Why, King? How?"

He faces me again, so his cold eyes are again petrifying me. However, I compose myself bravely and face him confidently. King walks closer, leaving just an inch between us.

"Stay away Violet. It's for your own good," He whispers and then leaves me tightlipped under the supremacy of the goosebumps on my own skin. Was that a threat?

Being the persistent Violet Youngblood that I am, that doesn't give me the reason to stop the investigation that I am planning to conduct. I just have to find King's motive in setting the school on fire. If you're wondering why I am so concern of the school aside from the obvious fact that this is where I study, our family owns it. My great great-grandfather does. This is his legacy to our lineage. However, it isn't made known to everyone. Aside from the school, there are so many more institutions, mostly are business institutes, that our family conceals from the townspeople. Mom used to say that there are things better kept in secrecy. For the first time in years, the obedient daughter becomes a pain in the ass. Mom will say that absolutely once she finds out that I skip classes to find Viper or Python or even the jerk-King himself. I'll make one of them admit what they did.

"Damn," I mouth upon eyeing Myrtle and her stupid dupes oppressing someone who looks like a new girl.

"What are you, a daughter of a witch?" Myrtle's question halts me from walking closer because my eyes are pierced to the stuff hanging on the girl's bag which she supposes are key chains. They don't look like it, not even close. The stuff are eerie; they look like voodoo dolls. Not that I believe in witchcraft and all, but the girl somehow looks spine-tingling. Lol. Oh now, witches are a becoming a trend like the vampires that almost everyone believes in? They must be kidding because it's so funny.

"Myrtle, what if she is?" Dana asks who's looking horrified.

"Right, what if she is?" Quincey agrees to Dana.

"Duh. Witchcraft is nothing to a goddess like me," She answers casually. That makes me shake my head.

I just make sure that they are not hurting her physically and once I get the affirmation, I leave to find the other spooky creatures. If I didn't make it clear, I am referring to the snakes. Snakes because I have just realized earlier that python and viper are types of snake and king means he's the king of the snakes, I presume. You can laugh now. Tsk. It's making sense, right?

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