Chapter Six: Partners

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I give all that I can to reach for the knife on my back and I succeed. I am able to pull it off from my body. Remembering what happened with the cut on my wrist earlier that day, I take off my clothes immediately and run to the mirror. Right there, I watch my wound slowly fading on its own until I no longer catch a sight of it.

"No. No. Violet, you are dreaming. You are dreaming. Wake up!"

I pinch myself so many times believing that it's all just a dream. But it's real. I am real. I am not myself inside my own dream. Even though hesitant, I pick up the knife and use it to make a cut on my arm. Just like what I have witnessed beforehand, the wound just heal by itself leaving nothing, even a single scar. Why is this happening to me? Other than those mysterious and inexplainable and mystifying events, this time, I can also feel more clearly the person who's secretly watching me. I can feel its presence following me especially when I go to school on the following day. First on my list is finding Mayhem or his friends. However, it's the girl who Myrtle bullied once that I find sitting alone at the cafeteria.

"Hi." I greet. "Is someone sitting here?"

"Ah... no. No." She answers shyly.


"Violet Youngblood." She cuts me off by finishing what I am about to say. "Everyone knows you."

"No. That is not true." I reply at her statement. "I am not that famous." I even joke and laugh. "What's your name?"

"You can always guess." She says mysteriously.

I am again caught off guard. The next thing I do is try to read what's on her mind. 

My name's Morticia Belevance.

It's what on her head and when I glance at her ID, the same name is printed there. Driven by fear and uneasiness, I flounce away from the place. I even have a vision of Morticia with a grin on her lips even though I do not look back to see her reaction. Preoccupied, I stop my running when I bump myself on Declan's hard chest.

"My love. What a surprise!" He greets in his usual womanizer greeting. "What's with the face, Violet? I am just joking."

What is happening with me? No. No, it was all a dream. It really didn't happen in real life... except that I have proven that it does after trying to read what's in Declan's head. Damn this jerk! He's picturing me naked while at the same time, concern why I look scared. Wait, I look scared in his eyes?

"Are you okay?" He asks afterwards.

"Leave me alone." I order telepathically to prove that what happened last night with Mayhem was just a scene in my nightmare.

"Baby, I should leave. We have a basketball practice."

Damn. It's all real. I cover my petrified face with my palm as I try to absorb in my head that every damn mysterious thing is really happening in reality—me having visions, me having a self-healing capability, me reading other's mind and me controlling other people.

"Does it explain everything now?" Morticia asks who just pops out from nowhere.

"Will you leave me alone?" I shout at her.

"You cannot escape it, Youngblood. You are born for that."

"Shut up. You don't know anything, okay? Stop it. Go away."

Ugh. This is not real. This is not real. I close my eyes while convincing myself the truth that I want to believe in.

"I can read other's minds too." Morticia announces, making me open my eyes and turn to her.

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