Chapter Four: Odd Night

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Mayhem looks away instead of answering my question. I wonder why he acts like that when my query can be answered simply by yes or no.

"Why? Don't you believe they're real?" He asks back.

"I haven't seen one." I honestly answered.

"Oh. You are a fan of 'I-believe-if-I-see," He mutters, clicking his tongue.

"What's wrong with my belief?"

"There are so many things that our eyes cannot see, Violet. And they exist," He stated in a very serious voice. For some reason, I suddenly feel scared especially after I gaze into his eyes. "You're here."

"How? How did you know I live here anyway?"

"Come on, Youngblood. Don't ask silly questions. I've already driven you home last time and you didn't ask. Tsk."


I am about to step out of the car when Mayhem stops me by holding my arm. Confused, I look back at him.

"Where is my ID?"

"I don't have it."

To scare me, he arches his brows while staring at me with intended intimidation.

"It's inside the house," Defeated, I added.

"I don't care where it is. What I want you to do is to give it back to me."

"Fine. You stay here. I'll get it."

"I'm sorry?" He exclaims, grabbing me by the arm again. "I am not as stupid as you think."

I totally have no idea why he said it except when he gets out of the car. When I walk towards our gate which is programmed with facial recognition, Mayhem follows. I see.


"What again, Youngblood?"

"Mom will go crazy if she sees you. I promise, I will come back to give it back."

He smirks. "Sorry, cupcake. I'm not buying that."

"But I am serious! Mom will freak out," I retorted.

"Move your butt."

Feeling helpless, I let out a sigh of despair. After I place myself under the facial scanner, the gate opens so we then get in. I thought mom is not around so I feel confident leaving Mayhem alone in the living area while I get his thing. However, when I return, I see mom interrogating him.

"Are you and my daughter dating?"

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Youngblood if this has to come from me," The jerk says, causing my forehead to furrow. What's he doing? "But, yes."

What? What the hell? No way. He can't say that to mom! Driven by anger, I return to my room without handing the jerk his ID back. He can freeze until forever downstairs but I am so not talking to him. I might kill that jerk if I do.

"Violet! Your boyfriend is waiting downstairs, what are you doing there?"

Ugh. Idiot. Having no choice, I take the little thing from the table, walk downstairs and hand the jerk his ID back.

"Get lost forever, Ross." I tell him out of exasperation.

"Thank you, Mrs. Ross," He replies, smirking to rack my nerve. It works; I want to explode of so much annoyance.

"I will kill you."

"Bye, Youngblood."

Invigorated by annoyance, I clench my fist but the jerk has left already so I can only keep this bad mood to myself. Only that, mom comes to confront me. Oh nice, you are such a beautiful creature Ross. Tsk.

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