seventeen - mr kang (m) ✖️✖️✖️

233 11 24

WARNING - This chapter includes a school shooting, a very sensitive topic. If you are too uncomfortable to proceed, you may skip this chapter.

Chaeyeon's POV

"dad?" i asked.

we were all sitting at the dining table eating breakfast and my parents stared at daniel in confusion but didn't mind him being here.

"yes?" he replied.

"do you know.. lee taemin?" i asked.

everyone stopped eating.

"lee taemin?" he repeated.

i nodded, hesitantly.

"do you know him?"

he paused for a minute.

"he's a dangerous man.." he mumbled, sipping his tea.

"how do you know him anyway?" he asked, squinting his eyes at us.


"i'm pretty sure i heard a bunch of shouting and noise downstairs, what happened last night?" my mum asked.

"and why is there a hole in a wall?" my dad asked.

we stared at my parents.

"we aren't angry with you don't worry" my dad reassured.

my mum nodded.

"just explain to us what happened"

"hah..!" namjoon scratched his neck.

"okay so we were sleeping and daniel's ass barged into our house followed by taemin and chaeyeon tranqualised him"

"oh yeah and he was the one who threw the dagger into the wall" jihyun explained very briefly.

"well where is he now?" my dad asked.

we paused for a moment.

"taehyung took care of him" i said.

my parents stared at taehyung.

"you'd make a good husband for my daughter"

taehyung choked on his toast while i drank my tea but snorted it instead of swallowing it.

namjoon and jihyun looked at us like the lenny face.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"ooh the tea is boiling" daniel spoke for the first time today.

"anyways, daniel do you have a ride home?" my mum asked.

"i can walk, i don't live too far away" daniel shrugged.

"why does everyone live so close to us?" jihyun asked.

"because the author can't be bothered to actually make up an address" namjoon replied.

"oh" jihyun mumbled.

"i'll take my leave, goodbye!" daniel stood up and waved, leaving.

my dad turned to look at me.

"guys, follow me" he gestured.

we got up, very confused and went to follow him.

my dad pulled out a key from his pocket and went to the door at the back of his office which was always locked.

he opened it and threw the door opened which revealed a long narrow stair case that went deep down.

we followed him down the stairs.

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