twentytwo - min yoongi ✔️

196 10 22

Chaeyeon's POV

"no please, let me go!" i exclaimed at the top of my lungs.

i wanted to help save yoongi.

"you're still sick chaeyeonie, you're not strong enough" jihyun said.

"bold of you to assume i'm weak when i'm sick" i barked, slipping out of bed.

"hey hey, just let her go, if she dies then it's her fault but if she really wants to go then let her" namjoon puts a hand on jihyun's shoulder.

"thank you so much namjoon, you're the best!" i yelled, putting on my coat.

taehyung and jihyun were both offended.

"remember what i said chaeyeon, it's your fault if you pass out" namjoon reminded.

"yup" i replied.

"shouldn't we still keep an eye on her? even though she seems pretty energetic, her body is still fragile" taehyung asked.

"yes we will, don't worry" namjoon reassured.

i cheered, tying the shoe laces of my boots.

"i've never seen chaeyeon so enthusiastic" jihyun whispered to namjoon.

"i'm not surprised, yoongi and chaeyeon are basically gender bends of each other, they're alike"

"hey taehyung, does your phone tracking app thingy work with other phones?" i asked.

"nope" taehyung replied grimly.

"maybe namjoon can modify it" jihyun suggested.

"ah, good thinking" namjoon said.

taehyung gave his phone to namjoon, giving him a hopeful look.

namjoon sighed.

"i can't do anything to help, i'm sorry" he apologised.

"don't be sorry man, come on let's go around the area" jihyun smiled.

"and you.." she turned to me.

"we need to get more layers on you, there is no way you are going out with just your coat" she said.

"okay, okay" i rubbed my eyes.

jihyun gave me a scarf, a hat, a pair of gloves and filled my pockets with heat packs.

"i think that's enough.." i said.

"you're right, let's go" jihyun said.

we went out the door and scouted the area.

i felt something cold fall on my nose.

it was a snowflake.

"it's snowing" jihyun cooed.

"i wish we could play in it" taehyung sighed, staring at the small kids running around and trying to eat the snow.

"we will soon, we will" namjoon reassured.

i heard a female's whimpering just around the corner.

i put my finger to my lips and pointed.

they nodded, following me around the corner.

"hello..?" i said softly.

the female's whimper stopped.

i furrowed my eyesbrows when i heard a shallow breath.

"taehyung, flashlight" i said.

he nodded, taking out his phone and turning on the flashlight.

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