thirty - mr kang ✖️

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Chaeyeon's POV

"do you still have your pistol?" namjoon asked.

i nodded.

"taehyung and jihyun?"

"i have tranqualisers and jihyun has multiple knifes hidden in our blazer pocket" taehyung replied.

namjoon nodded and pursed his lips, his eyes darkening.

"let's kill this son of a bitch"

we quickly ran behind the wall of a local fried chicken shop and started to formulate a plan.

"right, so since we all have weapons, we can just go attack the guy but that's not a good enough plan"

"remember when yeeun said that mr kang wanted to kill chaeyeon?" jihyun spoke up.

we all nodded.

"well he probably gives no shits about us and wants to kill her so we could probably put her in the spotlight"

"wow, you really want me dead"

"no, think about it! just act like you don't have a frickin' pistol in your blazer pocket" jihyun exclaimed.

it was the first time we actually took jihyun seriously.

"alright, i guess we can lure him in using chaeyeon" namjoon shrugged.

"wow, what a well thought up plan" i mumbled.

taehyung spoke up and said what i should also do.

we agreed to taehyung's part of the plan.

i peeked my head to see if mr kang was still out there.

he was repeatedly stabbing a knife into a now dead girl's chest.

i mentally threw up at the sight.

sighing, i looked at the other three.

"let's start our plan then"

i waltzed out from the wall and took out my phone and earbuds listen to music, except there was no music playing.

i could see mr kang had spotted me from my peripheral vision.

i lacked proper equipment to communicate with the other three but i knew they were watching me.

it sounds creepy if i put it like that but it is for my own safety lmao.

namjoon, taehyung and jihyun came out from behind the wall and started following very slowly but closely to mr kang.

i felt someone's presence behind me and i knew exactly whose it was.

i led him to an alleyway because it's the place that a lot of things take happen, including where his kidnappees were found.

so we wanted him to get arrested in the very place he made others suffer.

i sensed his attack and turned around, dodging his knife.

he laughed loudly and insanely.

"what the fuck do you want?" i barked.

he didn't reply but kept trying to stab me with the knife.

"answer me you psychotic bitch" i growled.

he stopped and stood still.

"i want you to die in the most blood-curdling death" he laughed.

"you're disgusting"

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