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*Hey guys, I decided that the Turtles would be 20 years old. I know, it seems old for them but I have my reasons. Hope you enjoy.*

(Leo's POV)

It was almost two weeks since we took care of Lily. She had grown to be a grown toddler. Her walking was much better and she learned how to run. She's a very spirited kid, and eager to learn new things. The other day she was in the dojo with the rest of us, my bro's and I were training, while Lily was watching on the side. As I was training, I saw that Lily was enjoying it, she even tried to mimic our moves. She reminded me of someone that I once new, someone that disappeared for almost three years searching for her best friend in the Spirit Realm that she can only pass through. We were soon done with training and we watched some TV. We gave some paper and crayons and let her color for a bit. Soon she walked up to me with a paper in her hands.

"What did you draw, Lily?" I asked. She then smiled and showed me the picture. It was a family, I looked at it closely. I then looked at her with confusion. "Who are these ones here?"

She then climbed up the couch and went near my lap. She started to point at each one. "Me...Bubby...Papa...and Mama."

I looked closer at her "mother", then I realized that she looked a bit familiar. She had the brown hair and has the weapon as...


Lily then started to notice my shocked expression, without me knowing I felt a few tears run down my face. Lily noticed and started to worry. She then nudged me trying to break my thoughts but it wasn't working, she gave me a sadden expression like she was about to cry.

"Leo?" Raph said as he raised his voice.

That's when I broke my staring. I looked around with everyone giving me worried expressions.

"Leo, is everything okay?" Donnie asked.

I then put my hand on my face, clinching my eyes. Thinking of what I was going to say. Mikey then noticed the paper that I was holding and took it. He then started to look at it.

"Hey, guys look at this cute little picture Lily made." Mikey said with a smile.

Lily wasn't paying any attention to Mikey, she was mostly focusing on me.

"I...I think I know who Lily belongs too." I said in a quiet tone.

Donnie then took the picture out of Mikey's hands and looked at it, his eyes lit up in shock.

"This looks familiar." Donnie said. "Especially the mother."

Donnie showed the picture to Raph and Mikey looked closer.

"It can't be..." Mikey said.

"It looks like Leana and Jordan." Raph said with shock.

Lily then started to whimpered. I quickly picked her up and hugged her, it sorta calmed her.

"Don't worry, we'll find your family." I said to her, soon enough it was time for bed. "It's 8:30, we should all get some sleep."

We soon all went to our rooms and went to sleep. Soon everything was black, all silence. Suddenly the images changed, there was a hallway that looked like it was a lab. Then I appeared in some kind of testing room. Suddenly I heard footsteps, I turned to see a dark figure, as I walked closer the figure was more clear. My eyes then widened, the figure looked like Leana. She looked so different that at first I didn't recognize her but as I looked closer, something was off about her.  I soon realized, her body looked broken and battered, her body was covered in bruises and cuts. I then looked into her eyes, they were filled with fear and suffering, the spirit that I knew for so long was gone, broken. Suddenly I heard mechanical gun sound and saw it pointing towards her. I could hear her faint panting, still trying to keep fighting, but suddenly the sound of a laser gun appeared and went towards her. I ran as fast as I could.


As soon as I reached to her, I pushed her away. But suddenly I felt no force from her, I went through her like I was a ghost.


Her scream was horrifying like this was a horror film. She fell to the ground in pain while being shocked by the mechanical color that was on her. Soon enough, she weakly lifted her head, her expression was horrifying, she was crying hard while she was reaching out.


Suddenly she disappeared, I frantically looked for her until everything went black.

"LEANA!!!!" Soon I woke up, I jolted up from my bed panting hard.

I soon looked around, realizing that I was in my room. I sighed in relief, trying to calm down. My thoughts started to cloud my mind, trying to process what that was. I asking myself if it was real? Was it only a dream? Is she going to be okay? Or...is she dead? Suddenly I heard my door slam open, I saw my brothers scared half to death. They soon went up to me.

"Dude, you okay?" Mikey panicked. "We all heard you screaming."

I didn't know what to say next, I was still processing everything. Donnie soon went up to Mikey. "Mikey back up, give him some space to breathe."

I then took a deep breath. "I just had a nightmare or some kind of vision."

"What was it about?" Raph asked.

"Everything was...horrifying." I stuttered. "I was in this testing room then I saw her.... She was covered with bruises and cuts... I saw her eyes that was filled with fear and suffering.... Her spirit was broken... She then got attacked by a laser gun... I tried to help her but I couldn't, I went right through her..." I then looked up at them with teared eyes. "I had to watch her suffer."

Soon my brothers looked at each other, like they knew something or they didn't believe me, but they had a sympathetic expression.

"Umm, dude?" Mikey trailed off.

"We had that same dream." Raph said.

"We didn't think that you had the same dream like the rest of us." Donnie said.

"But Don, what if this wasn't really a dream?" Raph asked. "What if it's some kind of message, it has to mean something."

"Whatever it is, Leana could be in serious trouble." Mikey said. "We need to help her."

"She could be anywhere in the city," Donnie said. "At this rate we don't know where she is."

"I may have a idea." I said. "We should go back to TCRI and see if we can find any clues to were she could be." I soon got up from my bed, as I did, my brothers got out of the way. I went towards my swords and grabbed then. "We'll search tonight."

Everyone then nodded their heads and went out of the room. We were all packing our things for the rescue mission. Since there was no one else to watch over Lily, I decided to drop her off at April's place, I texted April first about the mission and told her that she had to watch Lily until we came back. She was kinda disappointed that she couldn't fight but agreed to watch over Lily. I then texted Karai that we needed her help, she said that she would want us to come to her place to discuss the mission. Soon enough we all were ready, Mikey grabbed Lily and carried her. We all soon headed out.

To be continued.
Sorry that it took so long for my to upload. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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