Some days
I can't stop
thinking about
youAnd other
days I'm
wondering why
I'm wasting
my time
Quotes And Stuff
PoesíaRandom quotes I looooove.❤ (also some lyrics) bad at writing tho.. some angsty stuff and some just funny Hope you like them too.❣ 🥇1 in #relateble 🏅19 in #second 🏅58 in #lyrics 🏅61 in #problems 🦄❤💔🖤🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🖤💔💔💔💔💔💔❤❤❤❤
1 - wasting time
Some days
I can't stop
thinking about
youAnd other
days I'm
wondering why
I'm wasting
my time