Its you?!

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Bucky lost Peter and Shuri after two seconds. He was already freaking out. He had grown close to the two, and so has T'challa. So not only was he scared the two friends would get hurt, but he was scared of T'challa's wrath. He was also told of what happened to Peter because of Tony, and wasn't too happy about it. He could also understand that Tony has never had this kind of experience with a child before, so he couldn't blame him entirely, but Peter didn't blame him at all. That's what made Bucky freeze when he saw Tony at the amusement park, along with Rhodey and Bruce. Bucky couldn't let Tony see the kid, not until he was ready. Tony seemed to freeze at the sight of him too. Wether it was because he was there, or because he looked like he had both arms he didn't know. Bruce started walking towards him, along with Rhodey and Tony reluctantly following.
"Hi, Bucky." Bruce greeted with a small smile. It's been forever since to two had seen each other.
"Hello, Bruce." Bucky smiled back.
"Bucky." Rhodey nodded at him.
"Rhodey." Bucky nodded back. He had Tony wouldn't even make eye contact.
"So, no offense, but what are you doing here?" Bruce asked.
"Babysitting." Bucky responded before thinking. Crap.
"Babysitting? You? Who in their right mind would let you babysit their kid?" Tony half laughed half huffed. Oh the irony.
"Wow, thanks, Tony." Bucky rolled his eyes. Bruce shot the man a glare before giving Bucky an apologetic look.
"Sorry about him." Bruce apologized. Bucky just shook it off.
"Who are you babysitting anyway? And who for?" Rhodey asked. Bucky started to get nervous.
"Forget that! How do you have both arms?!" Tony interrupted and Bucky sighed in relief internally.
"Actually, it is a metal arm, but a friend made it to be just like my old one." Bucky smiled smugly at Tony's shocked face.
"What?! Not even I could do that! Who did you find that could do that?!" Tony practically yelled.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Bucky said before disappearing into the crowd before they could say anything else.
What the heck?! Who was smart enough to make an arm that realistic?!
Meanwhile Peter and Shuri were having the time of their lives. They were currently on the drop ride, and they were loving it. And somehow, they got Bucky on it after them, and he looked like he was either about to cry or puke when he got off, wether it was because of the ride, or because they were gone again, guess we'll never know.
"Let's go on the yellow rollercoaster! That one's my favorite." Shuri announced as she and Peter ran towards it. What they didn't know, was that Tony and Rhodey were on their way towards it too.
"PETER! SHURI!" Bucky yelled, looking frantically.
"TONY! RHODEY!" Bruce also yelled from the other side of the park.
The four were getting in the seats. They were all up front, sitting next to each other.
As they went up, Peter and Tony looked as their own friend and smiled. Peter and Tony were right next to each other, somehow not seeing each other. Rhodey was screaming the whole way, especially when they went upside-down. By the end, Tony had to help him out while Peter and Shuri were laughing their heads off, until Peter went to ask if he was ok, and saw his face. Peter froze at the sight of Mr. Stark. What was he doing here?! He snapped out of it and grabbed Shuri's hand and ran.
"Peter, what wrong?!" She asked in concern.
"I just saw Mr. Stark!" Peter yelled as he kept running and Shuri's eyes widen and she ran with him. They bumped into someone after a while and they all fell down.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry- Bucky?!" Peter nearly cried tears of happiness.
"Peter, Shuri!" Bucky yelled with a thankful smile as he gave them a strong hug.
"Bucky, Mr. Stark's here! And we were sitting next to him and I don't know if he was me or-" Peter rambled until Bucky cut him off.
"Hold up, you saw Tony?!" Bucky asked, eyes widening somehow even more." And you were right NEXT to him?!"
"Yeah, we didn't realize until after we got off the ride." Shuri answered, a little out of breath.
"Ok, no more running from me. If he sees you, we'll leave." Bucky said, calming them down. They agreed, seeing as they already freaked him out enough. Eventually, with all the rides going on, they forgot, until someone wanted to say hi.
"Bucky!" A voice yelled.
"Bruce?" Bucky looked questioning at him, wondering why he was out of breath.
"Have you seen Tony or Rhodey anywhere? I haven't seen them since we got here." Bruce asked, panting.
"No, sorry, Bruce." Bucky apologized, feeling sorry for the man.
"Ugh, alright, thanks anyway. Hi, Peter." Bruce didn't realize what he said until after a few moments.
"Uh, hi, Bruce." Peter greeted, nervously smiling.
"Peter, where in the ever loving world have you been?!" Bruce asked.
"Will you tell Mr. Stark?" Peter asked, half hiding behind Bucky like a shy little kid.
"Not if you don't want me to." Bruce said, understandingly. He'd want to be away from him for a little while if it was him.
"Can I tell him?" Peter asked Bucky. He just shrugged, he trusted Bruce.
"If you want to."
"Wakanda." Peter answered.
"Wait, really?! I didn't know you were friends with anyone there." Bruce said, surprised. It wasn't until now he's seen Shuri standing a little behind Bucky.
"Uh, we actually just became friends not too long ago, it's a long story." Peter explained and Bruce nodded, knowing what that was like.
"Alright well, I'm going to try to find the two morons I call friends. And don't worry your secret's safe with me." Bruce smiled reassuringly at Peter and ran off to find his two friends. 
"Well that was fun," Shuri said. "But we have to go on more rides! Come on!" She dragged the two to a haunted house, no one seeing two certain men walking into the thing.
"Do we really have to go in here?" Rhodey complained for the fifth time. Tony just rolled his eyes.
"Yes. I went on your ride last time, now it's my turn." Tony argued as they walked in, them not noticing the other three either.
"This isn't scary." Peter commented as he looked at a giant fake spider crawling around. Meanwhile Shuri hummed in agreement and Bucky looked like he was about to pass out.
"Can't we just leave?" Rhodey asked, his face pale from the clown offering a red balloon to them.
"Oh come on, you didn't even see the movie." Tony rolled his eyes.
"Let's just go." Bucky said as they passed a vampire sucking blood from a rat. Peter and Shuri just laughed.
"He need some milk!" Peter exclaimed and they only laughed harder at the vampire's confused expression.
"Come on, I'm pretty sure there's a way out over here." Rhodey said, trying to pull Tony from the realistic looking bear.
"Come on, I heard there's a vampire up a head." Tony dragged Rhodey as he pleaded for the bear to help him.
"Where's T'challa when you need him?" Bucky asked himself as he stared at the witch in front of him.
"Going to boarding meetings." Shuri answered.
"Hey, Ms. Witch, I have a question for you." Peter started as the witch looked at him questionably.
"What are those?!" He yelled, pointing to her weird black shoes. And she just shook her head with a groan. Shuri and Peter laughed even harder as they dragged Bucky away.
"Why do I feel like someone I know keeps making Vine references?" Tony asked, groaning.

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