Week 3

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After five minutes, T'challa, Bukcy, Wanda, and Thor were having fun catching up, until T'challa and Bucky froze at a sentence from Loki.
"We all die, you either kill yourself or get killed." Why would he say that? No, they wouldn't have taught the God of Mischief Vines right? But T'challa and Bucky both knew that wasn't true. Especially after the two kids started singing the 'song' after it. Wanda and Thor looked confused.
"Why would you do this?!" T'challa cried at Peter and Shuri.
"You're not my dad!" Shuri yelled at him in a childish voice. T'challa and Bucky just groaned.
"Um, what?" Wanda asked, and as Peter and Shuri's eyes brightened, T'challa and Bucky's were full of panic.
"Why don't we show you?" Shuri offered, and just as Wanda was about to walk over to see what they were talking about, Bucky grabbed her arm, not tightly but firm, while T'challa got in front of her.
"Oh no! You already have a magical person on your side! We should at least have Wanda, Vision, and Thor!" T'challa yelled at them in a panicking manner.
"These Vines are quite funny, brother." This caught T'challa and Bucky's attention, and froze seeing Loki showing Thor Vines on his phone, it was enough to make Bucky drop Wanda's arm.
"No!!!" They cried simultaneously.
"At least we still have Wanda and Vision." Bucky sighed, but they froze again to her laughter. There she was, watching Vines on Peter's phone.
"Vision?" T'challa looked hopefully at the android.
"I am the internet. I already know all the Vines." Vision said, crushing the king's spirits.
"Uh, what's going on?" A man's voice asked, and they all snapped their heads to see Hawkeye and the Black Widow standing there.
"Don't ask!" T'challa yelled, but it was too late as his sister yelled at the same time,
"Vines!" And Clint's face crumpled while Natasha's has a smirk on it.
"Why would you get some of the three most powerful on the Vines?!" Clint asked, throwing his arms up.
"Great, we have another suffering member." Bucky said.
"Oh come on, they're funny!" Natasha stated, shrugging her shoulder. And the three were horrified.
"No, not Natasha." Bucky whispered in horror.
"The heck are Vines?" Another man's voice asked, and Bucky ran up to hug him. Steve hugged back right away.
"Good to see you, Buck." He said as they pulled apart. Then his eyes widen at Bucky's arm.
"Wow, Natasha said it looked like a real arm but I didn't really believe it." Steve said, shocked. As every other avengers came, more explanations happened. Everyone seemed to like Peter, which was good, he wouldn't have to worry about anymore avengers hating him.
Meanwhile, Tony was freaking out as all the other avengers came, but a swell of pride hit him as he found out that Peter made something he couldn't.
"Friday, if Pepper asks, I'm in Germany." Tony said as he took off. Steve invited him to come, he didn't give an answer, just giving him time to think. Steve also invited Spiderman, but that was a no. Tony put the kid in enough trouble as it was, he didn't need him being anymore involved with the avengers. Look how well that turned out huh? Peter seemed to have a knack for doing the exact opposite of what he tells him to do. He landed in his armor five feet away from outside the airport, the same one they fought it. Tony knew he was only here to get Peter, but he was also curious about what Steve had to say, although he'd never admit it. As he walked in, he decided to leave his armor behind, camouflage mode on, something Peter recommend in his rambling. Once he got there, he realized that he was the last one there. Even Scott was there. Steve was trying to keep Sam and Bucky from killing each other, Vision and Wanda were reading a book, Thor and T'challa were talking about allying their kingdoms, Shuri and Scott were talking about Scott's daughter, and out of everyone, where was Peter? With two assassins and the God of freaking Mischief. Right as he was about to walk over, Steve spotted him.
"Hey, Tony. Glad you could make it." He called him over, softness in his voice and eyes.
"Uh, yeah. So, what is this about, exactly?" Tony asked as he walked over. Steve sighed.
"Well, it's been awhile, and I wanted to see if we could get the team back together. I just don't like us being slit up." Steve confessed.
"Alright, then why did you invite Spiderman, Ant-Man, Loki, T'challa, and Shuri? (Is T'challa an avenger?) They aren't avengers." (And is Scott also an avenger?) Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Spiderman, T'challa, and Scott because they fought with us, I figured they deserve to be included. Avenger or not, we dragged them into this." Steve explained, his voice firm. Tony never thought of it that way, but the fact was that Peter did deserve to be included. He had used him and left him in the dark, that wasn't fair to him. Tony looked over to Peter, throwing freaking knives at the wall. He was about to walk over to him to get him to stop when Steve put a firm hand on his shoulder.
"Tony, Bucky explained what happened. We all make mistakes, and you haven't fixed your's yet. Peter still thinks it's his fault because of what you said, and to be honest, is still scared of you. I can see it in his eyes. And I know you can make it right with him, but you don't know what happened the night of homecoming." Steve told him in his authorization voice.
"What do you mean?" Tony asked, his blood going cold already. But Steve only shook his head.
"It's not my secret to tell, but I suggest talking to him alone." Steve said as he let him go. And Tony looked back at Peter as he cheered at hitting his target and Clint, Natasha, and even Loki praising him for it.
"Yeah, ok." Tony said, deciding to stay out of sight, for now.
"Can humans learn magic?" Peter asked Loki after getting his target for the fifth time.
"Yes, but it can either take hours or years, it depends if you're meant to learn magic. It also matters on how dedicated you are." Loki answered, slightly smiling.
"How do you know if you're meant to or not?" Peter asked, twirling the knife in his hand. He didn't see Tony having a mini heart attack behind him.
"The easier it is to master, the more you're meant to." Loki explained, knowing where this was going.
"Could I try?!" Peter asked, and Loki was the next victim to the stars in his eyes.
"If you'd like." Loki agreed.
"Yes!" Peter cheered.
"But you have to be completely dedicated to it." Loki warned.
"Got it, so what do I have to do?" Peter asked, and Loki knew he was dedicated.
"Well, first the reading, then the magic." Loki explained the rest, Peter listening the whole
time. Before either knew it, Peter was reading a book of magic and was already halfway finished.
"Alright everyone, it's time to talk about why we're here!" Steve announced and Peter closed his book, still holding it as everyone walked in a circle around Steve.
"We're all pardoned, and I think it's time we stop avoiding each other. I think it's time we get the team back together." Steve announced. Everyone seemed to agree, but Tony was hesitant, but he agreed.
"And now, for another reason I called everyone here. I want to apologise to those we dragged into this. Those being Peter, T'challa, and Scott. So, I talked with most everyone else, and if you accept, then we might be getting new members today." Everyone except Tony, Peter, T'challa, and Scott knew about this, and they were shocked to day the least.
"So, we'll go around. Scott, do you accept?" Steve asked, stepping in front of him. At first, Wcott was frozen, but he eventually said,
"I accept." And Steve and the other avengers smiled in acceptance. He nodded then walked to T'challa.
"T'challa, do you accept?" Steve asked, and T'challa took a second, but said,
"I accept." They nodded at each other and finally, the moment Tony was dreading.
"Peter, do you accept?" Steve asked. Peter was conflicted.
"Would I have to reveal my identity?" Peter asked. Steve shook his head, never agreeing with that.
"Can, can I think about it?" Peter asked, wanting time to think. Steve and the other smiled warmly at him.
"Of course."  And so, everyone went back to talking. Peter went back to reading, trying to distract himself. He never noticed a man walking over to him.
"Peter?" He froze at his voice, hesitantly looking up to see his former mentor.
"M-Mr. Stark?" Peter's voice shook.
"We need to talk."

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