Chapter 1

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A/n HAHAHA I have permission to yhvfyhdghg th jgrhhgyjh both
When friend snatches phone from author*slaps kid in the face* dont steal me phone. Anywho. I Have permission to use my friends OC! I cannot say who because they wish me not to but yeah! Trigger warning: bullies being bullies. Expect more of this as the story goes on. Enjoy!



Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The alarm went off, loud as ever. The sleeping girl knocked it off her table, unaware of it breaking into pieces as it hit the floor. She didnt really care.

A few blocks away, another girl was getting ready. She put on her outfit for the day, a plain blank tank top with a blue flannel, some black skinny Jeans and white converse. Typical outfit for this nerdy teen.  As she grabbed an apple as her "breakfast" and went to say good by to her Aunt Lucy, who she lives with. "Bye Sam! I love you!" Her aunt called as she was about to head out the door. Sam turned around and smiled, "Bye! Love you!" And headed out the door.

As Sam was walking to school, she saw a little blonde boy, hanging out with the basket ball players. She knew the boy, but wondered so hard how he could have made the basket ball team? He was a limp noodle who played video games all day! Ben turn away for a second and saw Sam stare, so he waved. Sam stopped, waved back, then hurried to class.

Just a block away from the school was the woods. No one ever dares to go in them. The rumors were too realistic,  even though everyone knew at least half of them were fake. When no one was around, a boy came out of the woods. Not ready for what lies in front of him, going to a normal school for once, but his Uncle made him do it. He trotted along, not realizing all the girls that were following him and giggling about him. Of course they didnt matter to him, mortals. They were  Inconvenient to him, that is, until he saw the fluffy haired girl ran past him.

After sleeping in for a half hour, the sleepy girl quickly scrambled up. She cussed as she had a hard time finding her glasses. The girl ran to her little mirror on her wall and brushed her brown to blonde ombred hair. That didnt help it much. She grabbed her bag, grabbed a protein bar from her snack cabinet, and ran out the door. 'Oh please dont be late again! Good job breaking your clock Twila!' The girl, Twila, thought to herself as she raced past all the highschool students. While running, she really did try her best to not run into people, but she wasnt lucky. She ran into a couple football players, a wannabe Ariana Grande, and the hottest new kid. Rushing to class, she finally sat in her seat as the warning bell rang.

Sam saw poor Twila breathing really hard from all that running. Twila was almost always late, Sam knew that. While Sam was lost in her own thoughts she didnt see the blonde boy sit right behind her. Ben cleared his throat causing Sam to jump. "Sorry! ", he apologized, "I didnt mean to scare you..." Sam blushed a little, "Its ok. Was just lost in thought. That's all. " they shared a smile. "I'm Ben, by the say." Ben stated and held out his hand. "Sam. It's nice to meet you." She shook his hand.

When the bell finally rang, almost all the students where there. The only ones missing were a few popular kids who always got dismissed, like Sandra. Sandra was the biggest beach in the school (yes I purposely said beach). She had gorgeous long bleach blonde hair, the brightest blue eyes, and the coldest smile on earth. She didnt care about anyone except her boyfriend Tray and her Best Friend Tim.

As Sandra and her Boyfriend came in, so did the new kid. Twila instantly lifted her head, along with most girls. Sam wasnt really Impressed. The teacher stopped in the middle of her lesson and turned to the new kid. "Are you Troy?" The teacher asked in a slight annoyed tone. The new kid nodded, "yes I'm Troy. I'll be in your class for a while. " The teacher looked around, "you can sit next to Twila and Tim. Both of you raise your hands" They both did, Twila hid her face as if she was sleeping, hoping to hide her blush. It didnt work.

All the girls in the class, excluding Sam and Sandra, groaned and whined. One of them had the nerve to ask, "Why does that freak get to sit with him!?" Twila was used to this already. Sam was about to step in for Twila but a pencil hit her head. She snapped her neck to look at the person who threw it, Sandra. She put her finger on her lip and "shhh"ed quietly. Tim scoffed and whispered to Twila, making her really upset. Troy didnt like that, but what could he do? Ben ... well as much as he seems heroic in this story, he wasnt paying attention. He was on his DS playing Zelda. Nothing new.

Class rolled on when the announcements finally came on. "Dear studentszzzzzz" a scratch voice came, "there will bezzz a play held after schoolzzzz. Zzzsign up in the library. Thatszzz all. " BEEP. That made Class a little better. The teacher decided it was time to turn in homework,  so she called students up, one by one. Sam got up, turned her homework in, and headed back to her seat. She looked at Sandra, who was next. Sandra pushed her down and laughed. "Opps! My bad!" She cackled. Ben helped Sam up, "Are you ok?" Sam nodded. Then it was Twila's turn. She hurried up there quickly and tried heading to her seat quickly, which didnt work. Tim tripped her and she fell flat on her face. All the popular laughed. Twila ran out of the classroom embarrassed.

Troy had enough with this mortal highschool. He looked at Tim, "why did you do that?" Tim stopped laughing and just stared at him, wondering why he didnt find it funny like the rest. "What did you say?" He asked. "Why. Did. You. Do. That. Do I need to go slower?" Tim glared. And grabbed Troy by the collar of his shirt. "You better watch your mouth, new kid. It could lead you into trouble. "As this was going on, Sam wanted to check up on Twila, Ben would follow but...that's girl he stood up for Troy. Sam ran into the girls bathroom and listened to Twila sobbing. "Twila..?" Sam slowly opened the door. Twila was curled up near the toilet crying. Terrible place to cry really. "Twila it's ok now. " Sam said as she leaned down to the weeping girls height. Twila looked up, "I'm sorry. I'm such a cry baby." Sam sat with her for a while, trying to comfort her.

Meanwhile, with the boys, everything calmed down. Ben was really good at calming things down, when he wasnt so cocky. Sadly, even though everything was calm, Ben couldn't control the tension of the room. Troy and Tim had an angry staring contest while Ben sat there in the middle making sure neither of them fight. It was NOT a comfortable situation. Troy was  hating Tim's guts more and more. If only he could burn him.... 'No' troy thought. 'Not yet. '

Whoohooo! 1198 words! And I'm not tired at all (biggest lie of the century) any way. I hope you enjoyed it. Tim in the story is Masky. Just to clear that up. And, as I said, the actual characters that arent OC will be different from how they actually are. Thanks! ~panda🐼

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