Chapter 5

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Hello lovelies! This chapter is weird the original creepypasta stories story being really mixed up and wrong. I dont know the original stories and I could possibly look them up but I'm too lazy. So yeah, stories will be mixed.

The next day, Twila was sitting in class. She didnt want to think much about what Troy had said. She would blush every time. Her glasses had arrived, but they were in the store. She didnt have time before school so she would go after school.

"Hey Twila" Sam said sitting next to her. "Hi Sam. What's up?" Sam looked back at a popular girl, the same one who asked her to the beach. The girl nodded. "Well," she started, "I got invited to the beach with a couple of Sandra's old friends, and they said I could invite some of my friends. Would you want to go?" Twila thought about it. She didnt actually know how to swim much. Yet she didnt want her friends to be disappointed, so she agreed. Sam smiled and went to go ask Ben.

Ben was thinking to. He was thinking about that kiss on the play. "Dude, you ok?" Troy asked. "What? Uh, yeah. Yeah I'm fine. " Ben responded. Troy raised an eyebrow, but before he could respond, Sam walked up. "Hey, Ben. Hey Troy. " she greeted the boys. Troy smiled at her, "hey Sammy" she glared. "I was wondering if you guys would want to go to the beach with me? I got invited by Sandra's friends and they said I could invite my friends. " Ben nodded. He had been unable to talk to Sam since the play ended. "Um." Troy began, sounding worried," I dont know-" "Twila will be there." "Ok I'll come." He sighed in Defeat.

At that moment, the bell rang. Sam smiled at the boys and went back to her seat. They would be going after school. Of course having time to grab their swim gear. The little popular chick looked at who all Sam invited. She didnt like them much. Ben tried being a popular. Twila was a nerd. And Troy. Troy was hot, but he had a mouth that got him into trouble. The girl needed a plan. She looked over at the football captain. Then she got an evil idea.

Later that day, everyone was hanging out at the beach. Most of the kids were swimming around, even Ben who was being taught how to swim by Sam. They only person who wasnt swimming was Twila. She was afraid of drowning. Not her biggest fear but a big one. Troy noticed her sitting alone and went up to her. "Hey, Princess" he smiled, "what's wrong? " Twila looked up at him blushing. "O-oh its n-n-nothing" she looked down grimacing. She could never lie. She would always studder. Troy knew this.

Troy frowned. "Are you lying to me, princess?" Twila shook her head no. Troy raised his eyebrow. He sat down with her, "you know, you can tell me anything, m'lady." Twila blushed at the nickname. She gave her response in a mumble, "I cant swim." He stared and then smiled, "I could teach you?" Twila thought about it, then agreed. What could go wrong?

Apparently, everything. The popular girl had invited the whole football team secretly to ruin the beach day. They were told to come an hour after they arrived. An hour had came and so did the football players. They were loud and rowdy. They rushed to the beach as if there was the winning kick down there. Sam, Ben, Twila, and Troy looked worried. None of them liked the football players. And vis versa.

When the football players saw them, they all began to laugh. "Ew look at her swim suit" "aww Benny and Twilly dont know how to swim" "what a bunch of babies!" The insults kept coming, and the populars laughed with them. "Come on." Sam mumbled. "I dont think we are wanted anymore." All four of them came out of the water. Then, the football captain grabbed Sam's arm and ordered the others to grab the rest. "Now wait just a minute, shrimp" he said with a deeply cocky voice, "its rude to leave when your guests arrive." Ben glared. "You're not our guests, punk." The captain looked at him, "hey wise ass. Shut up." Ben glared. "Oh hey. Wanna know what sounds fun?" The jock continued, "throwing you guys off that cliff!"

The four of them protested, Ben and Twila frantically fighting and trying to see a way out of this. The football team had a good grip on them. They were dragged up to the cliff by the water. The cliff wasnt that dangerous. A lot of locals go to the cliff to go cliff diving.

Even with all of their protests, they reached the top. "Hmm" the captain thought out loud."who should go first? How about Ben!?" Ben paled, but that didnt stop them from throwing him off. The football team laughed as they heard his scream. Twila whimpered. Sam and Troy were getting furious. Then the captain turned and pointed to Twila. She struggled hard but it was useless. They threw her off too. Sam and troy were now pissed. So much that they broke free at the same time and Dived to grab there friends. Ben had been trying to doggy pattle to keep afloat, but Twila had sunk. She hit her head on the way down and was knocked unconscious. Sam grabbed Ben and swam to the shore. Troy dived farther down to grab Twila and bring her back to the shore. Her head was bleeding.

"Troy, we have to get her to a hospital or get her some bandages. " Ben said. He was fine despite being shaken up. The football players were having a blast, running down. "We need to act quick. Come on. Hop in my truck. " Troy picked up Twila and ran to his truck, Ben and Sam following close behind. They all got into the truck. Twila started waking up. "Wha...what's going on?" She tried to sit up but Sam pushed her down. "Take it easy Twila. You hit your head." She said calmly. Twila began to freak out until Sam reassured her, "we dont think you have a concoction but you are bleeding. Troy is driving us to the closest store to buy band aids. You just lay down and relax." Twila nodded and closed her eyes.

Troy was gripping the wheel so tight, his knuckles became wide. There was this sort of fire in his eyes. Like an actual flame in his eye. Ben was cautious about Troy. What is troy thinking and why did he look like he could kill someone?  Ben thought to him self. He wasnt wrong. Troy wanted to kill those players. He couldn't kill all of them, the school needed the football players for next year, but he could certainly kill the captain.

They finally reached the store. Ben and Troy went in to look for bandages. Ben found some medical tape and Troy found cotton swabs. They payed and ran back to Twila. She wasnt bleeding that bad, but bad enough to make Troy really worried. Twila sat up and closed her eyes. Her head was throbbing. Troy put the cotton swabs to the wound and put medical tape over it. He made sure it wasnt seen too much, in case her parents questioned. Twila thanked him.

Then they set off. Troy was still pissed. He would have to talk to his uncle, but he was pretty sure he could kill the captain at least. And that popular girl. Oh he wanted her dead to.  How could someone trick people that horribly? His uncle shouldn't be too upset about the dead captain and popular chick. They will pay.


Alright! That's chapter 5. Its a little sketchy and Right after I wrote about the medical tape, I realized it cant actually stay on hair so I guess the wonder is on the side of her head? Ah well.

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