Chapter 11

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Ok Lovies. I'm in a writing type phase right now and have tones of writing to do. I'm not sure how long this chapter will be yet. Quite possibly another short ish chapter because I dont have a clue where it's going. Lets do this!

rigger warning: death and hint of the R word.



The school bell rang. Twila gathered her stuff quickly, eager to get to her first crime scene before dinner. Troy was faster though.

"Hey Twila," he started the conversation coolly. Troy grabbed a book that Twila was reaching for, making sure that her attention would be on him and only him. "I was wondering if-"

"No." Troy blinked and stared at the girl. Twila had her eyes set on the book in his hand. Her face was slightly red and her eyes gave away to some emotion Troy couldnt explain. Maybe sadness for snapping at him? "I'm sorry but no. I have something to do today. Could you please give me the book?" Her last sentence was hoarse, as if she didnt want him to pay any attention to the book and making it seem like a secret she would much rather be kept a secret.

Troy looked down at the book. It was Twilas notes on where to go after school. It was in his hands now. He had the power to take away the complete evidence. Well, if the book actually had any evidence. Troy looked back at Twila. Her eyes would not meet his at all. He frowned. Something in his gut twisted and turned with a sudden urge to rip the book in shreds and have her full attention back on him. Get your head in the game dumbass! She would hate you for a life time.

Troy sighed and put on a cocky smile, "and what happens if I dont give you the book?" Twila's eyes flickered to his face, eyes wide, before staring back at the book

"I dont know...I wont talk to you for the rest of the year. Up until new years." Twila muttered quietly, just barely loud enough for Troy to here. She noticed his grip tighter around the book. She glanced up quickly at his face again, just in time to see his eyes flicker with...rage? Was he seriously upset that she wouldnt talk to him if he didnt give her back her book?

"You make a difficult Bargain, miss James." Troy slowly handed the book to her, but when Twila grabbed at it, he snatched it back high into the air above her head. "But I dont think the consequences are bad enough for me to give you the book back. Let's try something different." He watched her face pout. Good god could she be any more cute? "What do I get in turn for giving you this book that is oh so important to you?"

Twila stared at him shocked. Troy wanted something in exchange for her book? What could she give him? A drawing? No you suck at those. A hug? That's weird. Maybe a date? Ah! No! No way! Err maybe..."I could agree to hanging out with you for a whole day this summer? One whole day where I do anything and everything you tell me to- with in reason!"

Troy smirked, "fine by me, princess. One whole day for this very important book " he handed her the book and Twila sighed greatly. "You know you have to pink promise, right?" Twila looked up at him, sighed one more time before holding up her pinky. Troy smiled and held up his pinky also. The connected pinkies and both pinky promised. Troy walked away after the promise.

Twila's face flushed bright red. She knew that Troy wasnt really happy with her pretend kiss on stage. What if he actually wanted to kiss her? She cleaned up her stuff and looked at the first location. Daisy's appartment. The scene would still be untouched due to the new murders. Twila just had to drop her stuff at home before hand. She got up and rushed out of the classroom, not realizing Troy was outside the classroom, waiting to follow her.

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