Chapter 12

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Heyo loviesssss! I'm back! I dont know for how long, finals are coming up and I have some extra curricular activities that are really important to me. But I will update! Let's see if I can get back into the swings of things. Thanks to everyone who is still reading!

It was the final day of school. The sun was shining. Finals weren't really a thing in this school, for some odd reason. Every student in the building had jitters. They were so excited and nervous for what's to come this summer.

Twila was worried. Her mom wouldn't be home as often and her boyfriend would be busy writing his novel. They wouldn't care for her but that wont mean that they would forget her. One way or another, anything that happened to them was her fault. She needed a distraction to keep her sane. Fortunately, thanks to the murders, she did. Twila hated herself for being thankful about the murders. They were her only escape though.

Sam wasn't too worried. Maybe she was excited be ayse she was going to hang out with Ben. Maybe hang out with Twila on a good day. Her Aunt had mentioned something about a vacation in late June. With all these great plans going on, that did dull the feeling of something bad happening. Tim wasn't at school again, and Sam was half tempted to go straight to his house to see what was wrong with him. Maybe he has a nasty cold that makes him delusional. No, Sam thought it herself that's not really probable. She sighed, unable to think of anything that was more realistic.

Ben was super excited. He would have so much time to play video games. There was a competition coming up, and he wanted to ask Sam to join on his team. Of course, he was a little excited for his last basketball game, but that was mainly his dad thing. He didnt enjoy it and only goes to the court on his own time to stop thinking. Video games didnt have as strong as an affect on him to stop thinking like Basketball did. This summer was going to be a lot of fun.

Troy, however, was the most panicked. He talked to his uncle the night before, asking about what to do about someone who was playing detective. His uncle told them to eliminate them, unless he can prove by the end of his senior year that they could be a valuable pasta. Troy didnt want Twila to be a pasta, but he didnt want her to be dead either. What other options did he have? He decided that he would not let Twila out of his sight for more that 24 hours all summer. Whether he was spying, or just hanging out with her, he wouldn't leave her.

Bing Bing

The bell to start the day chimed, bring everyones attention to the front of class. Ms. G was looking very determined. Something was up.

"Ok class," she started, "it has been one heck of a year. We lost a few, gained a few, and changed so much. I'm proud of each and everyone of you. Well, that's not entirely true, but oh well. So, if you can get this little packet done, you will be free to go for the whole day!"

With the last statement,  the whole class cheered. Was that legal? Nope, but Ms. G was cool that way. Everyone got to the packet as quickly as possible. It wasn't too hard, some vocab didnt make sense, but it was doable.

Twila was the first to finish, naturally. She didnt want to go home early but she did want to leave. Troy finished after Twila. Then Ben, then Sam. It was coincidental that the four finished first, nothing more than that. They would all go kn their separate ways.

Twila was walking around. Her mom wasn't home, but that jerk of a boyfriend was. She was fed up with him, so she decided to head somewhere very special to her. Somewhere no one noticed. Apparently, Troy was no one

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