🌟Chapter 10🌟

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    "Jasper, I really don't think that's necessary." I pinched the phone between my cheek and shoulder and began typing again. I was busy trying to find a Christmas gift for Jasper. I had known that Christmas was coming, obviously, but for some reason I hadn't even thought about getting him anything. Some girlfriend I was. He had called me asking what he should get my parents. They'd flown in last night and were both asleep; jet lag was no joke.

    Now five days before Christmas and I was scrambling. What did you get for someone who'd been alive for hundreds of years? What didn't he have? I had no clue. After all Jasper was extremely wealthy. If he needed anything he would have no problem buying it for himself.

    My mom and dad were anxious to meet the first guy I'd shown interest in. I wasn't exactly nervous, I thought mom and dad would like him. Jasper was nervous, this was new for him too. I'd sent a picture of the two of us to them while they were in Spain. Mom had liked the look of him but dad didn't express an opinion.

    "Oh, I believe it is. In my time it was quite common to present gifts to the guardians of your beloved." I smiled at the word choice.

    Well, if you feel so strongly about it I won't stop you. Do you have a budget you're sticking too?"

    "I could get them an island." He sounded so serious I nearly had to bite my tongue to keep from giggling. I also suspected that he was telling the truth. If I said Hawaii, Jasper would get them the popular tourist trap along with a beach house. Sighing I pushed myself away from the computer. I wasn't having any luck anyway and I focused on Jasper's question.

"Okay, let me think." I walked to my window to see the landscaping company we employed shoveling the snow from the driveway. "My mom likes chocolate–,"

    "Exactly like her daughter."

I could picture the smile on his face. "Yes." I admitted. "You know, I saw this new store on Fifth that will make a chocolate copy of any picture you bring in. And she doesn't know about it because they've been gone since May." Excitement bubbled in me as I thought of mom's reaction to seeing it. "I'll look through some albums and email one to you."

    Jasper hesitated for a moment. "That is not a bad idea but it strikes me as...impersonal."

    "So you don't want me to send one?"

    "No, go ahead. I may also find an additional gift for her."

    "Okay; I'm not sure about my dad. He likes history. Russian history the most. He has a lot about that though."

    "I will find something suitable." The door bell rung and I told Jasper I'd see him later. I expected it to be the man in charge of the snow removal coming for the week's pay but instead I got a pretty big surprise.

    "Miss Stella...what are you doing here? Would you like to come in?"

    "Yes, if I may." I stepped out of the way and the mysterious fortune teller moved into the foyer. "Who is sleeping upstairs?"

    "My parents...jet lag." I'd forgotten that she could hear that well. For one odd moment I was reminded of the old myth about vampires needing to be invited in and how they would be free to enter forever after. She could kill us all and not get caught, but her eyes, that golden hue encouraged me. She should be safe, well in that quarter at least, she was still a complete stranger. I stared at her still stunned for a few seconds before collecting myself. "I'm sorry, Miss Stella, I would offer you a drink but..."

    Miss Stella smiled. "No need. I know this is unorthodox but I wanted to speak with you without your boyfriend. You can call me Stella. May I address you as Theodora?"

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