🌟Chapter 15🌟

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    Christmas Eve left me feeling exhausted but somehow unable to sleep. We set all our gifts under the tree, then had a long day alternating between snow ball fights and board games. At about midnight I had enough of tossing and turning and decided to sneak out to the enclosed porch for a dip in the hot tub. It had a view of the pond and forest beyond. Several feet of snow covered the ground and the heavily cloudy night veiled the full moon and my stars. There was a stillness to it that calmed my mind, and had me thinking that maybe a second attempt at sleep would succeed. I should have done this earlier. Sighing I slumped down to my nose in the warm water. A knock on the door that lead to the kitchen startled me.

    "Come in," I called.

    "May I join you?" Jasper asked.

    "Please." I watched as he stripped down to his boxers. "Mmmm." He let me ogle his body for a few moments before stepping into the water.

    "I greatly appreciate your choice of attire this evening, Miss Halliwell," he said with a grin.

    I smiled but also blushed. The only swimsuit I could find was a somewhat skimpy bikini Shirl had gotten me for my birthday last year. I wasn't sure where the others had gone, but I got the feeling she was also behind that. Jasper leaned his head back and closed his eyes with a sigh.

    "Do you like this? I can turn the water down."

    He waved his hand. "I take showers at this temperature. It feels heavenly."

    "It's strange to think of vampires taking showers. So normal."

    "We may be immortal but our bodies and clothes still need to be washed. It's one of the few things Esme buys during the week we actually use. Soap and laundry detergent."

    "And the rest of it?"

    "Donated anonymously to charity. Except for what Nessie wants. Theo, we need to talk."

    I'd never been in a relationship before but I knew the words, 'we need to talk,' we're generally unpleasant. "That doesn't sound good."

    He looked me in the eye with a somewhat stern expression. "Brandon told me what happened between the two of you and Riley. My question is why I had to hear it from him."

    I groaned internally. "Did you ask Brandon if I'd seen Riley?"

    "No. He inquired if I had any advice on the situation with his brother and related the story. He also told me it is not the first time Riley has harmed you."

    I was going to hit Brandon upside the head when I saw him at breakfast. "He knocked me over on Thanksgiving," I admitted. "While it stung I wouldn't classify that action as harm. His others in the parking lot though, yes. You won't kill him or anything will you? I'm pissed he did that to me but I don't want to cause him harm. Well not serious harm anyway. A good slap probably wouldn't be the end of the world."

    Jasper sighed heavily. "It is very tempting but I know that would make you unhappy so no. Although I must admit it is not easy for me to take no action against Riley, even if that is your wish. After all I am more monster than man."

    "Don't call yourself a monster, Jasper. You're not one!"

    Jasper extended his hand to me which I took. He ran his thumb over my knuckles and then kissed my hand. For the first time I couldn't feel a difference in our temperatures. He looked at me through his lashes and I knew that my answer hadn't satisfied him.

    "I didn't want to worry you. That why I didn't mention anything with Riley." Now that I said it the excuse felt weak.

    "I do not expect you to share every detail of your daily life with me, but this is something you should have mentioned."

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