🌟 Chapter 35 🌟

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From: BranBRulez@outlook.com
To: TheoLuvzStars@outlook.com
Subject: I wish the cafeteria sold applesauce
June 16, 2162 19:37

    Dear Theo,

    It's lonely out here. I wasn't planning on writing cause I'm only supposed to be gone six weeks but lonely. So much lonely. And the only entertainment is a computer we each get ten minutes on. They even took my phone so I can't watch my K-dramas. I don't really have anything exciting to tell. Sorry bout that. How's things back home? How's Shirley? Is wedding planning driving you nuts? Have you turned into Bridezilla? Will I see you on a reality t.v. show? Please tell me I have a cat fight to look forward to. Have you heard from Riley or anything? I haven't.

-Love Brandon

From: TheoLuvzStars@outlook.com
To: BranBRulez@outlook.com
Subject: go find some apples and make your own
June 17, 2162 13:08

    Dear Brandon,

    Shirley is...not happy. I'm sure it's because she misses you. She tries to keep a mostly upbeat attitude, but it's in the little moments she thinks I don't see that it shows the most. How much longer will you two be on this break? I don't know the whole story(Shirley was kinda tight lipped about it-will you tell me more?)but I'm sure you can work it out.

    I'm actually staying with Shirley right now. Jasper and I told my parents about the engagement and they didn't take it well. We are moving forward though. The wedding date is August first of this year. We're getting married atop Wendigo Falls right at dawn. Do you think you'll be able to come? I know it's short notice but it's what we both want. Obviously we can't have many people there because it's hard to get to. Actually it's going to be a camping trip with a wedding thrown in. Shirley's going to be my maid of honor. Sorry if you had your heart set on that position. I could always make you a bridesmaid if you insist. 😊

    Have you turned on the subtitles yet? I get that wanting to learn a new language can take many paths, but I'm not sure watching tv in a foreign language is the best way to get there. Even with two fluent Spanish speakers in my orbit I am getting nowhere. 😔

    I actually do have some news about Riley but it's not very helpful. I went to Wendigo Bar and Grill and talked to a few of his co-workers. One told me that she overheard an argument over the phone. He was talking to somebody named Ray and was demanding test results. That's all I got. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I actually knew about it a few days before you left. It just slipped my mind. It shouldn't have but it did. I'm so sorry. 🤦‍♀️

    Do you have any idea who this Ray is?

🌟Love Theo

From: BranBRulez@outlook.com
To: TheoLuvzStars@outlook.com
Subject: I can't there's no cinnamon up here
June 18, 2162 20:00

    Dear Theo,

    Shirley and I need some time apart to figure out what we want our future to be.

    I'm not actually trying to learn Korean. I just like the shows. But hey if I pick up a few words here and there great. Although most of what I have isn't something I'd use in polite company. You might like some of the shows. There's one story about a water god that gets sent to earth and falls in love with a shrink. That's prime time television.

    It's okay that it slipped your mind. We've all had a lot of shit going on. As far as I know the only Ray he'd know is a great—uncle of ours that lives in Idaho. I doubt that's who it is. We haven't heard from that miserable bastard since before the accident. Our parents never liked him much anyway so it's not like we remember him well.

    I don't want to be a bridesmaid. As good as my muscular body and hairy legs would look in a dress, I don't think that's what you'd want to be what you remember most about that special day.

    If you felt the need to move out your parents must have taken it really really really bad. Will they even show up? If they don't that's pretty cold. Not that I think that's 100% what's gonna happen. But if it does would you like me walk you down the aisle instead? It's okay if you don't and it probably wouldn't happen anyway.

    I have my final marksman ship test at 800 am tomorrow. Wish me luck—not that I need it.

-Love Brandon

From: TheoLuvzStars@outlook.com
To: BranBRulez@outlook.com
Subject: you don't need cinnamon to make applesauce stop being an applesauce snob
June 19, 2162 10:15

    Dear Brandon,

    I'm not sure if my parents will come. We haven't talked since I left. If they don't I'd love to have you walk me down the aisle. When you get back let's watch that water god show together—as long as I get subtitles.

🌟Love Theo

From: BranBRulez@outlook.com
To: TheoLuvzStars@outlook.com
Subject: It's not snobby! applesauce tastes better with cinnamon-FACT OF LIFE-eating applesauce w/o it is barbaric
June 19, 2162 20:45

    Dear Theo,

    I will allow subtitles every other episode. NO MORE. 😎

-Love Brandon

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