🌟 Chapter 42 🌟

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    He was alone. Trent also had a bottle of cheap beer in his hand. As he came closer to us two things became clear. One, he was pissed off. Two, that beer clearly wasn't his first drink of the night. The smell of alcohol hung on him like perfume.

    "Well aren't you looking good," Margie sneered. In response Trent threw his bottle at us and it shattered against the fence drenching us in the remaining liquid.

    "I wouldn't be so smug bitch." Trent put his face against the chain fence and spit at us.

    "Oh what more could you possibly do? You're pathetic. Trying to marry me for my money. Acting like you're the hottest thing since hell. Not to mention bragging to your friends about how good you are." Trent was turning red. "You know I faked it every time, right?" She laughed.

    With a roar Trent reached for the lock and ripped the door open. Too drunk or perhaps too mad that he didn't realize he hadn't needed to unlock it first. Margie was already moving before Trent had the gate open. She plowed into him while he was still half crouched from grabbing the lock. I was right behind her.

    Trent recovered quick and threw Margie off. She hit one of the old cars with a loud yelp that made me flinch inside. We needed to have this done fast. Before anyone else could charge in here and stop us. I kicked him in the side as hard as I possibly could. He gasped but managed to grab my ankle and pull me down.

    My head caught the edge of a bumper from the car and my left wrist cracked as I landed on it sideways. White hot pain coursed through me. My head throbbed, my wrist was possibly broken and Trent was on top of me. He had me pinned, his legs were on my thighs and he grabbed my right arm and twisted it painfully. One of his hands went under my coat and grabbed at my shirt. I felt him rip a part of it off and his nails rake the skin of my stomach.

    A flash of metal collided with Trent's head. He was stunned and his grip on my arm loosened. I pulled my right arm out of his grasp and jabbed my elbow into his nose, his blood splattered down on me. Margie towered above us and swung her weapon again. It was a wrench from one of the work tables, once again she got him in the head. Trent's eyes rolled back and I had just enough time to scurry out from under him.

    "Are you okay?" Margie gasped.

    "I-I-I think so." I lifted up my coat to see four long angry red scratches from Trent's nails. He managed to take a good portion of the front of my thin cotton tee away. My wrist felt hot and bloated and protested when I moved it but I didn't think it was broken. Or at least if it was it was a small break. Margie helped me up and turned my head with a jerk.

    "Your head's bleeding pretty bad." Her fingers explored the gash above my ear from colliding with the bumper. "Here." she offered me a glove from her pocket. 

    "What about you?" I pressed the glove to the cut.

    "I think I'm okay. I've got a few cuts but you're the worse out of us. Look for his cell phone." Gingerly I turned Trent over and went through his pockets. Sadly he didn't have a phone on him.

    "Grab Sean. I can't carry him with my wrist like this." I watched the door as she went back inside the cage. We had made one hell of a racket and I expected someone to burst through those doors. No one did.

    I grabbed the wrench and another from the work table. I passed one to Margie and we went for the door. The house was lit up and there seemed to be at least a few people inside. So much for finding a phone in the house and calling someone.

    "Do you think those cars are unlocked?" Margie's breath mingled with mine in the air. Trent's truck, a CRV and one Toyota sat in the driveway.

    "Even if they are I doubt the keys are in them. Trent didn't have any on him so I bet they're in that house. Besides if we set off an alarm we're screwed."

    "We can't walk down the driveway either. They might see us. Two miles to the road through those trees. If we head straight for it we shouldn't get lost."

    "We won't get lost," I assured her. It was cloudy so I couldn't see the stars but I did still have Jasper's compass around my neck. I took it off and popped the face open. "Which way to town?"  She pointed west. "Let's go."

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