Your having a bad day

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"Leave me alone beau" you sigh letting your body fall onto the sofa with very little effort you sit up. You had been having a bad day and the last thing you wanted to do was do anything but go to bed and forget this awful day. "Babeeeee what's wrong" your boyfriend whined making you roll your eyes at him. "Bad day?" He adds sitting down next to you wrapping his arm around your shoulder pulling you into him. Before you can give him an answer you feel a kiss on your head making you crack a slight smile .


You had just got off of the phone from an argument with your parents ,they had been complaining about how much of a bad influences luke has become towards you which to you sounded completely ridiculous . You slammed the phone down onto the table and looked at your boyfriend sat on the edge of the bed,you let out a sigh and almost instantly he stretched his arms out . You walked over to him and he instantly pulled you into a tight hug while repeating "its okay babe".


You had just gotten in from what seemed like the day from hell, everything seemed to annoy you and all you wanted to do was curl up and cuddle your boyfriend . But ofcourse that was completely impossible as your in a long distance relationship and the closest thing to seeing him right now was skype but ofcourse time difference ruins everything and you had to simply wait until he's awake.


It was one of those days where you woke up in a bad mood,there was no reason why at all you just simply woke up in one of those moods where you did not want to see or speak to anyone except for james . You dident often have bad days like this but when you did james knew exactly how to make you feel better,he'd stay in bed with you all day cuddling you in the hope that you'll smile just once.


Today it seemed like the whole world was against you,nothing at all was going right for you and the fight to hold back the tears almost seemed impossible. All you wanted to do was cuddle and spend time with jai,he was home but he became so busy lately that you dident want to bother him when it seemed like he was working so you kept your distance when all you wanted to do was be close to him.

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