The Shopkeeper

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Chapter 4: The Shopkeeper

“Take me down this road I’m on, it’s late and I don’t wanna go alone. Take me down this road, I won’t be scared, cause we can’t be scared. And I’m searching for a sign that you’re still here, and I’m alright, but now I’m down on the ground. I think I’ll pray.”

-Your Birthday Song by Go Radio


6 Months

                 I stretched groggily, my back aching as pins and needles stung my arms and legs. A yawn pressed past my lips and my lips twisted into a grimace. I knew that today I would have to visit Mr. Peterson, while he was young in stature, possessing no wrinkles, and sported bright blue eyes, with cropped blonde hair, I wasn’t fooled. He was the oldest soul there was, the very first, the one and only. He’d struck up a deal with the Head Honcho eons ago, and thus, we were born, immortal souls, forever cursed to be bound with a body, all because of his insufferable curiosity.

                My thoughts were abruptly cut off when I heard faint knocking on my maple bedroom door. “Juliana,” Lucas’ hesitant voice echoed through.

                “Yeah?” I murmured, hoping that he heard me.

                “Oh nothing, just wondering if you were awake, I’m going out for a bit, okay?” He inquired gently. I nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see me.

                “You’re nodding right now aren’t you?” He teased, laughter lacing his velvet voice. I just grunted in response and strained my ears as his laughter and footsteps slowly drifted away from me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at how gentle he was with me.

                Agonizingly, I rolled out of bed, and plopped onto the floor, landing on my stomach.

                “Augh!” I yelled through clenched teeth as the wind was knocked clean out of my lungs. Struggling to catch my breath, I not-so-gracefully rose to my feet.

                I quickly composed myself and began getting ready for the inevitably long day ahead of me.


                “Mick,” I greeted with a quick curt nod, stepping past the threshold of the musty shop. Goosebumps rose on my arm and anxiety shot down my lungs.

                “Juliana,” He greeted, his crystal clear eyes coolly drilling into mine, seeking my old soul. He held a kindling of a smile on his lips that didn’t reach remotely near his eyes. “How can I assist you?” He continued politely, mock bowing before me.

                “Nothing at the moment, Mr. Peterson.” I regarded him, making my way to the back, all the way to the Grimoires. Mick followed me back; the only indications of his presence were his shadow and the pinpricks that dug into my skin, drawing out chills.

                “I said I didn’t nee-“ He cut me off with a wave of his hand. I shut my mouth and glared up at him, with the undertone of curiosity.

                “A Grimoire? You’re no witch my dear” He drew his eyebrows together. “You should know that I’m all the protection you need.” He proclaimed assertively, but the smirk on his lips tinged his statement with flirtation.

                “You’re much too old for me, Mister.” I shot back smugly. “Plus, you of all people should know that there are no such thing as witches, what the Youth views as witches, are none other than old souls, dear.” I added sweetly; I then proceeded to turn my back to him, signaling for him to leave me. Disregarding my obvious coldness, he stayed. He slowly ran three fingers across the nape of my neck, brushing away the hair, tingles erupted in wake of his cool touch. He lowered his lips down to my ear. While pressing his nails into my neck, drawing blood.

                “You may think he’s your soul-mate, but I know that you will be mine.” He hissed venomously, his eyes narrowed to thin slits. I scoffed at him and continued to shuffle through the Grimoires. Unease blazed through me like a wildfire, How did he know that me and Lucas are Soul-Mates? Finally picking out the one that I wanted, I tossed it to him, trusting his razor-sharp reflexes. He smoothly caught it.

                “That one,” I muttered. He just nodded, leading me to the counter and ringing me up.

                “On the house, sweetheart.” He shot me a sly grin, while sliding the book into a paper bag. I frowned slightly but took it into my hands, clutching it close.

                “Thank you, Mr. Peterson.” I whispered softly. He scowled at me, growing cross.

                “You make me sound so old,” He chided, his brow furrowed.

                “You are,” I answered easily, and quickly swept myself out of the store. I wandered about the street, looking for a store to buy raw materials for an Amulet. Finally finding one, I bought the materials and began making my way back to the apartment, trusting that there would be time before Lucas came back.


                I sat in my room on the ground, my legs tucked together Indian style, and my talisman material and the Grimoire flipped open in front of me. I mumbled the spell under my breath slowly, making sure not to stumble over my words. Soon the bumbling became a soothing chant, and I picked up the talisman, gripping it tightly, it’s grooves biting into my palm. I cracked my eye open slightly, and the Amulet rested in my now open hand, facing upwards. It slowly began glowing, and eventually gleamed brightly, proclaiming my affections. Once the process was complete, it dimmed and eventually returned to the dull brown of the wood I’d used. I brought it up to my nose whiffing the sweet spicy scent emitting from the Charm.

                With nimble fingers I swept the Amulet onto a leather band, and tied it together, making a bracelet. As I tied the final knot, I heard the front door slam shut. Ecstasy soared through me and I ushered out to meet Lucas, Amulet in hand. I stopped in my tracks when feminine laughter reached my ears. Anger poured into my veins. I walked into the sitting room to see Lucas and an unknown girl going at each other like starved animals.

                I blushed slightly and cleared my throat, hoping to stop Lucas from doing something he’d regret. He blatantly ignored me and continued to nip at the girl. I coughed obnoxiously loud and rolled my eyes. “Lucas!” I half yelled. He snapped away from her to glare at me. His eyes clouded over, probably with lust.

                “What!” He roared at me, I winced at his harsh tone. “Get out! Get out of my house!” He raged at me. Tears pricked at the back of my eyes.

                “Fine!” I screamed back at him, I looked down at my clenched fist. I threw the talisman at him.

                “TAKE IT!” I wailed. And instantly I took off at a mad dash, down the stairs that lead away from the apartment.

                A piercing shriek ravaged my ears and my eyes bulged as I realized that it came from my lips. I tumbled down the stairs, ending at a landing. Tears streamed down my face, and the sound of feet pounding against the stairs rang through the air. Lucas came into view, the cloudiness in his eyes gone, he quickly scooped me up bridal style, holding me close to him. I cradled my head in my hands, trying to block out the buzzing that was now present in my hearing. Suddenly a cool hiss came, making me go lax.

                You will never have him. He will die, ripped from your arms. No silly Talisman of yours can stop me. I’m older and wiser than any Grimoire, Talisman, Charm, Amulate, even Mick. That’s your only warning. Don’t you dare interfere with me anymore.

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