Chapter Ten

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 Weeks began to pass by like seconds and Camila was finally feeling a little free. So free that she even wasn't closing off the idea of dating anymore. She was willing to go out on dates now, no matter who it was. She wanted to give someone at least once chance, even if she thought they weren't her type. At least they tried, right? She started spending more time in the studio and being curled in her room as she wrote on the floor of her bathroom with her laptop propped open on the toilet seat lid. She'd have her guitar in hand or her small keyboard in her lap. She even ended up buying this mini red MPK to create her own beats. Maybe she was using music as an escape, and she was at first, she'd honestly say that, but she also let it be her guide. Her form of letting her past go. And she knew what she wanted her next album to be about. Heartbreak. As cliche as it was considering, she thought it was perfect. Her next album was going to be all about Lauren. 

But not only Lauren, but their relationship. And it'd slowly shift to being about Camila and being able to release from the hold her past relationship had on her. She felt invigorated, to say the least. She hadn't spent much time with Lauren since, but they had been in passing, obviously due to close conditions. But Camila was actually looking into getting that changed. She started looking into apartments and found one that sparked her interest. Funny thing was, that it was in the apartment building just across the road. It was far away like she hoped, but it wouldn't be across the hall anymore either and that's what mattered to her.

After looking at the apartment, she couldn't be more happy about it. She was now at IKEA, trying to think of how she wanted her place to be and the theme. "I think it should be something warm." Dinah chimed in. "Since you're in that whole "new house, new me" thing."

Oh. Dinah came along with her.

Camila chuckled, "It's an apartment, not a house, but I do like your idea."

Dinah gave her a soft smile before it turned into a small frown. "I'm gonna miss you living with me. I've kinda loved it, just knowing you're right in the bedroom next to me, ya know? Now I've got to leave the apartment and go into a whole new building just to see if you want to hang out - "

"Or you could text me." Camila said with a laugh. "What every normal person does these days, D."

"Whatever." Waving her off with a smug look, Dinah chuckled. "How's the studio going? You know when we'll be on tour again?"

Knowing where this was going, Camila spoke bluntly. "Dinah, you can go if you want to. I'm not holding you back and I want you to know that I'd support you no matter what."

Dinah had gotten offered to be a back up dancer on Beyonce's tour that was coming up. One of their dancers had gotten hurt and Dinah was the first one they had called. It had been a few weeks ago when the dancer told Camila, who was immediately excited for her friend, but Dinah was the one who was hesitant about it for some reason.

The dancer shrugged, "I don't know. You're working on your album right now and I just don't feel like it's good timing - "

"Good timing?" Camila questioned, not meaning to cut off her friend. She stopped from walking, giving her friend her undivided attention. "As grateful as I am that you want come on my tour instead of Beyonce's, I also think this is the biggest opportunity you'll probably ever get. It's fucking Beyonce, D! You would've jumped at this chance. What changed? What's going on with you?"

Dinah sighed, her shoulders slumping as she dragged her feet to a nearby couch and sat down. As Camila followed, she began. "I hate that this is the reason, but I found out that Bryson was dating someone while I was gone. And I mean, we were broken up, so it's fine and we've talked about it. But he told me that it was never serious and he was just waiting for me to come back. If I leave again, this relationship won't go that far and I want it to, Mila."

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