Chapter Six - Loving Nemesis

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The Stoll’s lead the Hermes cabin into breakfast the next morning, thankfully the Aphrodite spell had worn off so Travis was back to his man-ish self, well as man-ish as Travis could get. While Connor felt like he could breathe again in an orange t-shirt and shorts that actually fit him. At the table as they ate toast and fresh orange juice, Connor caught site of Lou Ellen on the Hecate table, she smiled and he smiled back nervously. He turned to see Travis raising his eyebrows.

"Shut up Travis."

Chiron came up behind Connor in wheelchair form.

"May I speak with you Connor?" he said. Travis and Connor exchanged looks and Connor sheepishly got up and walked with Chiron.

"Do you remember what I told you yesterday Mr Stoll?" He asked in a calm tone.

"Uhh…" Connor replied. Smart comment.

"After the outburst that occurred last night I specifically told everyone to remain in their cabins until tomorrow morning, do you remember now?"

"Yes sir…"

"And it seems you are not capable of following simple rules. The harpies reported that you were wandering around near the beach late last night." Chiron remained to look forward.

"Oh, really?" Connor tried to remain calm.

"And you know what that means Mr Stoll?"

"Cleaning the stables..." Connor realised.

"Exactly, the tools are in the shed next to the big house, I'll come back at lunch to see how you're doing."

"Right sir" Connor said ashamed.

"Oh, and Mr Stoll? Try to stop breaking the rules." Chiron then wheeled off in direction of the big house and Connor headed to the shed. After he dragged everything to the stables Connor noticed what a state that place was. This was disgusting, although it did spark up some ideas for a new prank. He needed to remember to tell Travis later on. But first? Cleaning this horse sty. As Connor approached the stables he noticed Blackjack, Percy Jackson's Pegasus. Percy had the power to speak to Blackjack since his dad created horses out of sea foam, Connor wished he could speak to horses but all Connor was able to do was steal things. He was incredibly good at it though. He covered his nose as he cleaned up the rancid horse mess until Lou Ellen materialized next to him with a smug look on her face.

"About time you got here! Chiron got you too?" Connor asked as he scooped up the horse's left-behinds.

"Oh no, I just came to see how you were doing!" She laughed.

"What do you mean? You didn't get caught but I did?"

"That's exactly what I mean!" She laughed harder.

"What? How?" Connor said shocked.

"Centaurs are easily manipulated by the mist!" Connor face went a tinge red, he felt angry, how was this fair?

"So you could make him believe that neither of us was there but you made him believe it was just me?" Connor's voice rose. Lou Ellen looked rather shocked. That's when Chiron came up to them still in wheelchair form.

"Mr Stoll, you've only got half of it done! You're a slow worker." He noted. Connor's anger suddenly washed away from him and a grin spread over his face.

"Actually Chiron, I've done my bit, I was going to let Lou Ellen do the rest, since she was out her cabin as well last night!"

"What?" Chiron questioned.

"That's right! She used the mist to make you believe it was just me, but don't worry because you know now!"  Chiron's face became angry.

"Well Miss Lou Ellen, I believe you have work to do!" That's when Chiron got out of his wheelchair and turned into half a stallion and galloped off. Connor looked at Lou Ellen and gave her a cheeky wink.

"See you later babe!" He smirked and ran off back to the cabins.

"CONNOR!" Lou Ellen shouted but Connor was already too far ahead.

When Connor got back to cabins he got a shower and headed to his lesson. He met up with Travis at the pegasi wooden trail.

"Oh gods man, please no more pegasi.." He groaned.

"Dude what happened to you?" Travis asked.

"Oh, got caught for sneaking out, had to clean the stables."

"Bummer, anyway I can't be bothered pegasi riding either, wanna go steal stuff from the camp store?" And they both walked off to raid the shop.

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