Chapter Nine - Lou Ellen La Rues the day

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After dinner the campfire was in half an hour so last session wasn't on tonight, everyone was back in the Hermes cabin as Lou Ellen was transporting the parcels.

"When it's done, everyone split up and run to your cabins. Watch out the window and when the prank is over we act like it never happened. Then at the campfire we will celebrate our sweet revenge!" Travis confirmed. The last parcel disappeared and the group dispersed.

Aphrodite was the first to notice the parcel. Drew looked at the note which read:

‘Let's make a truce’.

She leant down and picked up the parcel, her face confused she walked into the cabin and then a high pitch scream came from everyone inside, even the boys. The parcel exploded. One by one the screams increased in the cabins and out ran the Aphrodite's, Hepheastus's, Demeter's, Ares's and Apollo's. They ran up to each other disgusted and screaming, the rancid smell of horse waste attacked their nostrils and poisoned the camp. Just then the horn blew for the campfire, everyone showered and the camp all met in the amphitheatre.

Chiron stood in front of the fire when he looked puzzled.

"What in the gods name is that smell?!" He shouted covering his nose. Half the campers whimpered in response when someone in the Hermes cabin shouted.

"It's half the camper’s sir!"

"We got pranked!" Kayla from Apollo shouted. Chiron rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips.

"Alright...who was it?" Everyone was silent until Travis stood up.

"Chiron sir, I would just like to say... how beautifully sweet revenge is!" Travis laughed. Connor stood up as well.

"Thank Nemesis!" He roared.

"You did this?!" Drew screamed.

"I'll slice you two to pieces!" Clarisse threatened. Pollux stood up behind the Stoll’s.

"Oh but why would you give credit to just the Stoll’s? If it wasn't for my buddy Butch here!" He patted Butch and the bulky teen stood up. "We wouldn't have gotten the horse waste out of the Ares cabin!" The Ares cabin looked horrified and some of them gagged.

"Oh but if it wasn't for my main man Malcolm here…" Butch picked Malcolm up like a tooth pick and plonked him on his feet. "We wouldn't have manufactured those awesome bombs that made each parcel explode all over you!" Connor took Lou Ellen's hand and held it up in the air.

"But most of all…if it wasn't for the wonderful Lou Ellen we couldn't of been able to enchant those parcels to make the smell permanent for at least a month!!" All the participants roared and chanted.



The other cabins went mental. They screamed and used some language that Connor's mother would have washed his mouth out with soap if she ever heard him say such words. Clarisse once again grabbed her sword and ran at the Stoll’s, Lou Ellen jumped out in front of them and counteracted Clarisse's swing, the two of them started a sword fight, twisting and jabbing at each other, Chiron galloped over to break up the fight but not before Lou Ellen missed a blow and Clarisse slashed her across the face. She fell and Connor caught her.

"Clarisse you utter gorgon!" Travis jabbed.

"She shouldn't have got in the way!" Clarisse and the rest of the campers followed her away leaving their new horse perfume. Lou Ellen remained motionless in Connor's arms. Connor started to tear up and pleaded.

"GET HER SOME NECTER OR AMBROSIA!" he caressed her hair and rocked her, Butch returned with ambrosia and Connor force fed it her. She weakly chewed on it, her eyes fluttered open and she winced. Malcolm examined her and she sat up.

"That cut is awfully deep, I think it's going to scar" he said regretfully. Connor helped her back to her cabin, he would of carried her like a princess in a film but he wasn't that strong. He helped her on her bed and she smiled at Connor.

"Thank you" She managed now the ambrosia had worked and made her feel strong again.

"No thank you, you took a stab for me." Connor looked down embarrassed.

"I'm happy to fight for you Connor, always have." They stared at each other. Connor cupped Lou Ellen's face with his hand, stroking her new scar.

"Clarisse will pay for doing this"

"No it's okay. Besides, it makes me look tough." they gently laughed. In no time Connor and Lou Ellen were kissing once again, holding each other in their embrace.

"Alright, get a room guys." Lou Ellen's brother shouted. Connor kissed Lou Ellen on the cheek and said goodbye.

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