Adventure or suicede mission

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Harry was about to apparate when something grabbed him on his arm. Then the everything went dark. He felt himeself being stretched and pressed in together. But there was someone with him. He saw flaming red hair and for a second he saw Ginny's face. Then it all stopped.
"Ginny! What are you doing here?!" Harry said exasperated.
"You weren't just going to leave me there were you? Besides, I also want to go on a adventure." Ginny said smiling at him. Wow! She looked amazing when she smiled, no! Keep your head straight Harry!
"Ginny this isn't an adventure! It's a suicide mission. It is most likely we won't survive this."
"Not with that attitude we won't. So we are at Grimrauld Place? Good idea. It is a good hide out. Come on. Lets go in!" She turned on her heel and ran to the door. Harry slowly walked after her. What would Mr and Mrs Weasley say? He would write to them and ask them to come and get her. He broke up with her to prtotect, she is going to jeprodize that by coming. He is so mad at her for being so... so. Agh! When he enters the house Ron,Hermione and Ginny are having an argument.
"I think its good to have Ginny here. She can help us. Besides the ministry is looking for us. Not her. We can use that. Keep her a secret. She could get us inside information." Hermione said and put her arm around Ginny.
"She is my sister! I will not bring my sister on this mission! No I will hear non of it! I am sending a letter to Mum and Dad so that they can come and fetch her." Ron turns around and sees Harry.
"Tell them Harry!"

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