Our Way Back

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It all stopped. We were at a destination. But it was far from safe. We were surrounded by Death Eaters. I gulped and reached for my wand. Ron grabbed my hand and frantically shook his head.  I'm underage.
"Little mudbloods on the run,hey? Think you could escape? Ma'am Umbridge will have a very good time with you." One of the Death Eaters said and reached for his wand. But Ron beat him to it.
"Expeliarmus!" Ron shouted. The Death Eaters' wand flew some feet away from him. This turned into a duel.
I tried to help Ron as much as I could without using my wand. I grabbed their wands from them and threw it away. I punched and kicked them.
I felt like those muggle warriors Hermione told me about, that only wear black and is deathly silent.
While Death Eaters clutched onto the places I harmed them, Ron casted the full body binding charm on them.
"Nice Job,Ginny." He patted my back.
"Looks like the DA actually were useful." Too bad it had to end. It was a nice change to sneak around the castle for a good reason and not mischief.
"We have them to thank for that." Ron said them like it was a terrible word.
"What is your problem!?" I jumped into a campsite full of Death Eaters for him. He beter give me an explanation.
"What is my problem!? He get everything his heart desires. The girl I like, my little sister. Fame and popularity and fortune. The list goes on!"
"First of all you know Harry. He doesn't want these things. He would change his fame and fortune for his family in a heartbeat. And Harry and Hermione are friends. Harry and I are together. And I wouldn't share him with anyone. Do you think that low of me? Of Harry and Hermione?'

I was furious with Ron! How could he think that!?
"Oh."Was all that he said. He scratched the back of his head nervously.
I scoffed and shook my head. Idiot!
"Let's get some rest. Then we head back. I'm sure your energy is drained."
I turned my back to him and headed to a nearby tree and made myself comfortable against it. Well as comfortable as you can get against a tree, and I fell asleep.

I woke up to somebody shaking me. I woke up to see the most terrifying sight. Ron's face right up close to mine. I screamed in fright which caused him to scream.
"What in bloody hell is wrong with you!?"He shouted.
"You scared the living daylights out of me! Do not do that again!" I put my hand to my chest to feel my rapidly beating heart.

"I let you rest the whole night. It's time to get food and head back. I got some serious apologising to do."
It was then that I saw that it was daybreak.
Ron got up and slung his backpack over his good shoulder. I came to a stand and dusted myself off. My back and neck hurt terribly.
Ron held out his arm for me. I took it and once again we apperated.
We arrived in the same muggle town we went to everytime.
We made our way to the bakery. We got ourselves some hot cross buns and coffee. Hermione and Harry got us addicted to it. Muggles sure know how to bake.

Once we finnish our breakfast we Ron had to rest before we could apperate.
Once we apperated we went back to the campsite Harry and Hermione are at.

Except they weren't there.

"What?" I whispered. I turned around and glared at Ron. This was ALL his fault.
"If you didn't hold that dam horcrux for days Vol-. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named wouldn't have been able to plant thoughts in your head and make you jealous!"
(Any Percy Jackson fans reading this?
I stormed off to where the tent use to be. The ground was still warm. They just left a few minutes ago. They just left. They left us. We have no bloody clue where they are. Ron chose this moment to speak.
"We could go home." He said.
"Go home!?" I yelled in disbelief. "Yes Ronald let's go home! We can be all warm and cozy while our best friends are out there risking their lives so that we can live this war. Let's go home!"
I was furious with Ron, who is the cause of all of this. I was furious with Harry and Hermione for leaving us.

"Listen Ginny, I know you're mad,but we have no idea where they are. When we get home we'll figure it all out. Where they might be and we can travel to all the places we think they are. I want to find them just as much as you do. But standing here will not help us. Please?"
My tense shouldersshoulders slacked. I hate it when my brothers are right. We will find them we have to.

Ron took a small break and got ready to apperate again.  We arrived at The Burrow. We walked to the door and knocked.
"Who is there?" Came my mother's voice through the door. It felt so good to hear a voice. Like a bucket full of warm chocolate got poured all over me.
My throat closed with my unshed tears. I swallowed and answered,"Ginny and Ron Weasley."

We heard a shuffling and then my dad spoke.
"How can we be sure?"
I sighed. I should've expected that.
"When I was eight I had a cat named Harry Potter." Nobody knew that except for my family of course. It was Ron's turn to speak up. 
"I used to love to play with Ginny's dolls." Ron muttered and became very interested in his shoes. I laughed at the memories. I'd have to fight for my own dolls.

The door opened and mom engulfed us in a hug and started crying. I felt really bad for putting mom through this.

"Where's Harry and Hermione?" Dad asked us and mom ushered us in. I turned and looked at Ron.
"Why don't you tell 'em Ron?"
Ron paled when mom and dad turned to him with curious expressions on the their faces.
Ron began to tell them leaving out the horcrux bit. But that just made him look terrible. I really felt sorry for him.
"What!?" My mom shouted." Ronald Weasley!!"
And the ranting began.

///  time skip\\\

Christmas at home was a bad experience. That's a first ever. The whole Christmas spirit was missing. Mom and dad tried to figure out what we were up to while we were on the hunt.
They also haven't completely forgiven Ron.
Two days after Christmas,at night, Ron and I snuck out to go and find Harry and Hermione. We even got some snacks for them.

Right now we are hiding out in a muggle tunnel. Ron's busy with the PUT-OUTER and I'm busy writing in my notebook about our doings this year. I was still busy writing when I heard Ron gasp. I looked up and saw a light coming from the PUT-OUTER. Ron was looking at it mesmerised.
"Ginny do you hear that?" Ron asked me,eyes still on the light.
"Hear what?"
He didn't answere me. The ball of light went through his chest where his heart is.
Ron scrambled to his feet and put the PUT-OUTER in his backpack.
"Ginny come!" Ron yelled at me impatiently.
"What? Why?" I put my quil and notebook in my backpack which I took from home.
"I know where they are!"
He grabbed my arm send we apperated.

Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't been updating. I'm on the middle of my exams and haven't had the time yet. I'm actually not allowed to be on Wattpad now. Mom's rule. But yeah I was bored. Im writing Natural Sciences tomorrow.
I won't be updating until the middle of March.  That's when my holidays start.

Hoped you enjoyed this  chapter😄😄

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