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Sorry I don't know the spelling for it and my friend is borrowing my ORDER OF THE PHEONIX book.

Also sorry that I haven't been updating. School has been demanding. But isn't it always?
Ok now on with the story

Ginny's POV

Since Harry's nightmare, Hermione insisted that Harry continues occulemency lessons. In the process Hermione needs to learn legamency. Not that she's complaining.

Hermione seems to enjoy the lessons more than Harry  (of course). Because Harry didn't enjoy the lessons I decided to to join. Hermione said that when Ron was strong enough  (meaning that when he can move around with out huffing) he gets to join.

In all honesty, I don't want Ron to join,because lessons with Harry were...intressting.
With my...let's call it "help" Harry has been more motivated.

As the muggles say "LOVE IS IN THE AIR" with Ron and Hermione as well.
Instead of their normal bickering, they have been bickering in a positive?sort of way? Like for instance they would argue over who can go through the door first and stuff like that. It was cute in the beginning bit now it's just annoying.
I just wish Ron would man up and tell her that he liked her since the end of first year?
( I can't really figure out when they started liking each other . But in my opinion in the first movie, in the end when Harry gets out of the hospital wing and Ron and Hermione were talking. Did you notice that after that Ron started defending Hermione?)

It's been agonising to watch them these past years. I guess Harry got it worse because they are his best friends.

I've got to admit this mission isn't as exciting as I had hoped. The only exciting thing we did was when Hermione and I went out to the muggle world to get food. Harry and I can't go because Hermione doesn't trust us. Says we will take to long.
But other than that it's two of us stand guard, Ron sometimes helps us, and when Hermione isn't standing guard she's reading that wizarding fairytale book. Or she's going through books to see if there's anything there that can hint at or help us destroy that horcrux.

Harry and I were sitting outside the tent. I tried to make up stories but I couldn't concentrate without writing it down.

Harry was busy drawing but he wouldn't let me see. His hand moving in all different directions. I looked at his hand as if it might give me some clue to what he is drawing.
Unexpectantly, Harry looked up. He smiled at me as my cheeks turned the same shade of my hair for being caught at staring at him. He chuckled and went back to his drawing.

"What are you drawing?" I asked for what feels like the hundredth time.
"Something." Was his simple yet amused reply.
"Come on Harry! Just a hint please?" I pleaded.
"Fine. It's something I enjoy looking for. I'm drawing the end results. Have fun solving that!" He smiles smugly at me. He returned to his drawing.

I would say the snitch,but I know Harry won't draw anything that's about him. It must be something other than the snitch. But what?

Hermione came through the tent flap. She's smiling that said I-just-found-the-solution smile. It's either that or the I've-done-it smile.

I'm going to go with the second option but I hope it's the first one. We really need to find a way to kill the horcrux.

"I've done it!" She exclaims.

Told you so!

"Yeah? What did you do?" Harry asked and closed his sketch book much to my annoyance.
"I think I've mastered Legamency. Of course I need someone to test it out on. So! Who would like to volunteer?" She said all of that in one breath.

She looks expectantly at us. Finally Harry breaks the silence.

"Sorry I'm not going to be your guinea pig," he looks away guiltily.
"Guinea pig?" I asked interested. It sounds just as cute as a pygmy puff. Except for the pig part.
"I'll explain later,Ginny." Harry says and smiles at me.

"I need someone. I need someone who can do occulemency. And I'm sorry Gin,but Harry is better at it than you. No offence. If we train you harder you will be better than Harry. " She smiles and hugs me. Than she whispered in my ear so that only I can hear. "I'm sure you kick his arse when you are more trained."
She winks at me.

"Hermione,I just don't like people scratching around in my head. I tolerated it when we learned,but I'm good at it now. So why don't you try it on Ginny.  That way you both get to practice." Harry smiles at Hermione knowing she will want that.

Hermione looked like someone just threw water on her fire. She turns to me and says,"Okay Ginny, please look into my eyes. It went silent as Hermione strolled through my mind. It felt weird but I got used to it over the days.

Then I felt Hermione presence leave my mind.

"So?" She asks.
"You did great 'Mione!" I told her.
"Thanks, but did you feel me in your mind?"
"Well yes. Just like every other time." I say.
"Ahhh!  Then I did not master legamency. You're not supposed to feel me. I don't want death eaters to know I skimmed their mind! Then they will know that we know their plans and then they will change it!" She stormed off back into the tent.

"She's probably practicing again," Harry said. I whirled my head back to him in surprise. I've forgotten he was here.
"Yeah" Was all I said. Then I got an idea. "There's something I want to practice." I say leaning in.
"Is that so." He said leaning in as well.
Then I closed the distance between us and connected our lips

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