I remember now...

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I...what's happening to me? I was in the air somehow and for some reason i was kinda asleep but aware.

Sudden i kinda feet a bit of pain, that's when it happened, i suddenly had more memories than before. Oh...i see...i was reborn...but wait...i am in inazuma eleven...as...as...joseph king?! Oh.. shoot...especially way before our game with Zeus team...did i remember that correctly?

Eh oh well, i guess i should make my old equipment from my past life in this life. My old equipment worked really well, it only took two days of it and you'll see a very improved person. Like advanced person with new abilities and all that kind of stuff. It will take me...about less then a day to make it i think...but I'll start with the small stuff for now and started making them. I went out to buy some supplies, i brought weights, and all other kind of things. I then went down in the underground room in my own room, i remember having build it, it took a long while for me to do that without anyone noticing anything but i did manage to finish it.

I brought everything down there and closed the...i guess door? I forgot if that's the actual word when its in the ground and all.

I headed down there with all of the equipment i have right now. I started to set it up, after a few hours i check the time, it was now 10 a.m. good thing it was a Saturday and all. I ended up putting a lot of stuff in here that i might need to use, especially one day.

Like...a tornado or Tsunami happening. Or something similar...i have a food, snacks, water, different other drinks, bathrooms and showers down here and more.

After i finished setting up everything, i checked the time again, this time it was almost 1p.m. i let out a sigh and took a short break, i got myself something to eat and drink during that time.

When i finished it was around 1:30 p.m. i waited a little bit to help my stomach settle down, i then started practicing.

After i put the weights on of course, the first thing i did after that was run on my the equipment that was very much like the one that those soccer team with girls on it...i forgot the place but i know I'll remember sooner or later..the one team with that one girl that wanted to marry Eric...it was similar to that but still quite different, mine had a different speed depending if your a starter or not. To me in this life, i haven't done it.

In my past life i was beyond pro level with the weights on, to me this was both to help you with speed, and building up muscle. With the weights on, it does make it harder to move and with this?

Yeah it's going to be hard for me for a while before i get used to it, but then again...i put weights on my legs, arms, hands, and my waist...so...yeah...more harder on me then anyone else.

But because of this i should see a lot more improvement on the second day of doing this, and working on my other equipment and not just this. I also get to improve and become stronger to help my team mates so it's a win- win situation.

So either way it's good for me, also when i do spot the difference in anything between me and my team, i will bring them over to this place for them to train as well. I check the time, oh...it's already been that long? It's now 4p.m. huh...i didn't expect to keep doing this while i was lost in thought.

Then i went on to the next and was doing that for four hours, then i went to the next and did it for four hours, and i ended up staying up all night rotating to all after four hours each. When i finally finished it was almost 8p.m on sunday, i decided I'll take the day off and go to bed after eating...ok yes i forgot to eat more yesterday...but i got so into it again that i forgot about everything else. Captain gave us this weekend and next weekend off from practicing since we are going so well.

Though I'll be training on both weekends except sunday next weekend. Sunday will be the day i catch up on sleep and food since I'll no doubt forget and stay up practicing and all. I guess i should make some more equipment for those who have slower then average stamina, like...megane kakeru.

Though my equipment i made can be used by anyone, soccer team or not. But for slower then average people...I'll have to make an equipment that helps build up their speed and stamina. Then they could move on to the next level after i approved. Since it is My equipment, i will know if they are ready to move on to the next level or not...though i have to wonder, why do i keep thinking that the soccer team from raimon will come over to ask me to use my equipment? Will it be after the 'supposedly' aliens attack and the need to get stronger? Eh I'll think about it later...then i fell asleep.

Finished! It was close to 1000 words but it's 944 with these words right here. I'm surprised i finished this in one day but then again i had this idea for a while now..so...yeah...until next time...

Ja ne~!

Reborn in inazuma eleven and remembering my past lifeWhere stories live. Discover now