we barely lost to Zeus team...

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Our game with the zeus team was alright, we were mostly even, though they were a bit more stronger then us.

I guess my equipment helped them get stronger and almost even with the zeus team. Though they managed to get one point by me, we managed to get one point by them as well.

In the end though we barely lost just by a point. We weren't damaged like I was worried about that would happen like it did in the episode. Which was relieving, I felt a bit irrigated that they managed to surprise me in the end long enough for them to score that last point in before we tied.

I went with jude as he went to where ramion soccer team was at. He talked to them and told them what exactly what happened during the game. We would have either tied or won had they not surprised me and caught me off guard.

That was my mistake...I need to get stronger and stronger to help my teammates...jude joined them later on after we both went to talk with their coach. I would have joined to but our current team that we have been with for a long time needs me.

Maybe later on I can join them after I know that they can look after themselves but right now I can't just leave our friends. Jude can but not me. Maybe i can join them when they fight against them...you know the kids who say they are aliens and all.

But right now I can't just leave my team for raimon despite wanting to for a different reason.

Because Right now my team needs me, jude told the others his decision, he was going to join raimon to defeat zeus soccer team for us.

Then he left to go to the game against zeus. I smiled, I walked beside him. I want to see the game, I look back and wave them over to join us.

They follow and we went to take a seat after we leave jude to go ahead to his new team. We watched the game, it was almost the exactly the same as the episode I watched but a bit different.

Jude was a lot more powerful, faster, a bit better at thinking, and raimon was wining by a point already.

After they won I headed down there to congratulate them and jude. "Jude!" I said and waved my hand at him as he turned to look at me and smiled.

I got closer, "you did awesome out there jude, along with your current teammates." I said and had a small look of fondness. I saw that he had the same exact look as me and was still smiling a bit. "Thanks Joseph, I'm glad we won against them and now it's time for ray dark to get arrested." jude said a bit happy about that.

After that it was mostly the same and all. Except I decided to go with jude to raimon school, I wanted to see if it started yet.

With some humans pretending to be aliens with those stones except for like one group who got naturally stronger by training. I left with them and told the rest of the team I was going with jude for a bit to make sure he was alright and everything else.

They excepted that of course, since it was mostly true, i'm going to help protect this team from the serious injuries that quite a few will be getting in that one game.

They didn't really deserve the injuries they got, so I will help, I have been practicing in the other areas so i'm not just a goalkeeper and all.

I remember doing that for years but I usual prefer being a goalkeeper, I liked being able to protect the goal, it reminds me that i'm being useful, that I can keep the other team from scoring, that i'm protecting our dreams that we have in soccer. It's not just for me but for the rest of my teammates as well, they rely on me, to protect the goal, that is what I do, they put their trust in me and I will repay them ten fold.

I will always do my best to help my teammates win, they have my trust that they can do it and pull it off and win.

They are my teammates after all, if I can't trust them even though I've known them for years, then who can I trust? This is one of my many or few reasons why I put my trust in them. If I, their goalkeeper, doesn't believe in them, that they can do it, then who will? Will I give up on them? No, I will always believe in them, if no one else does or will, then I will. Because sometimes that's all a person needs, just believe in them and themselves. If no one does, then they might as well give up on hope right now.

Well at least that's what I think anyway, so that is at least one or two reason why I put my trust in them, I have more but I don't want to say them right now, especially since we are about to be at raimon school and all.

We got there, the school was destroyed. I mostly already knew what happen since I saw the episode but will it remain the same? I relaxed when I saw it was the same...mostly at least...nothing was really different besides me being here...I wonder if something different will happen though?

Like a different action or...different words....well now that's something to think about...don't you think so? Eh...I wonder what will happen if certain events that happen are different? Then something unexpected happened, they kicked their soccer ball at me.

I went in my defense mode and blocked it instinctively. I felt a bit alarmed at what just happened and it doesn't even feel like it weighs anything which surprised me. "Joseph are you ok?!" jude asked me as they all came near me to see if I was hurt or anything. "I'm fine jude, I was just surprised that's all." I said to reassure them that I wasn't hurt or anything.

So it was going to be different...huh.. Interesting...oh well it mostly stayed the same except that moment and a few things happened differently before they left.

Then after a certain while we all left and I went back home, I went down to my place where I trained at.

I trained there for the next five hours, thinking about how I was able to do that without even getting hurt which surprised me. How was I able to do that and not get hurt...the others certainly would have Gotten hurt if they did that but why didn't I get hurt? Don't tell me it's my equipment that I made helped me do it?

But then again my equipment has always been weird and helped those who use it get stronger...hmm... what an interesting thought to think about at a later point in time...then I went back upstairs and got something to eat and drink. When I finished that I waited for another 30 minutes before I headed to bed, changed clothes, brushed my teeth, and go to sleep.

I finally finished this! Yes! Now you can read this but it will take a while before i can try to make another chapter since i will try to update my other stories...so..sorry about that...hope you enjoy and...ja ne~!

Reborn in inazuma eleven and remembering my past lifeWhere stories live. Discover now