Helping Raimon train..

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Ok they already lost to the 'aliens' or whatever they call themselves now. I frowned, maybe I should have them train at my place now? I thought.

Then Jude came walking to me with the rest of the raimon team. " have you been lately? And why did you bring the raimon team with you?" I asked him. "Ah I was wondering if they could use your equipment as well Joseph.." Jude said.

I smiled, "yeah they can use it anytime, just like you can Jude. Anyone who is a friend of mine and their friends, they are always welcomed to use my equipment at anytime as long as you all don't overdo it." I said happily as well all headed over to my house.

I brought them over into my house and into my room. "So where is your equipment at anyway?" someone asked.

I then pull open a hidden door in my room and walked into it. I waited for anyone besides Jude to come in and when they didn't I peaked my head out and looked at them. I saw them staring in surprise, "well aren't you all going to come inside?" I said to them and that's what made them start to follow me up until when got to the room with my equipment.

They looked in awe and surprise, "you can try them out and since this is your first time, I recommend only doing one or two of these for today for at least five hours maximum today. Because I'm not sure how well your bodies will handle this just yet since I'm not sure how well fit you all are. Do the maximum of doing one would be two hours and 30 minutes and the second will be the same amount of hours and minutes if you want to do two today.

If it's just one then five hours maximum will do for today and then I can determine how long you can do this for and when you should take breaks and all that after this." I said as they all agreed and started working with the equipment that caught their attention first.

Then five hours went by just like that..I then determined how many hours they can do this for.. about half of them were only allowed to do five hours for the maximum hours of the each day until I see the improvement I will be waiting for.

A certain few have less then that and some have more then that and I'm pretty sure you can already guess who it is..I let out a silent hm. "Some of you will be allowed to do six or seven hours. Most of you will just be doing fours hours max until I see improvement. A few of you will only be allowed to do four hours maximum. Until I see improvement, that will be your maximum of hours to work out. You all will get to have breaks of at most an hour, the breaks include, eating, drinking water, going to the bathroom, and maybe a small nap or just talking with each other. I build this equipment myself, so I know what I'm talking about, so don't try to do more of the maximum hours I gave you all until I say so. You don't want to end up in the hospital now do you?" I said and some of them flinched at that. I nodded to myself, good that should make them understand what will happen if they try to overdo it.

I relaxed my shoulders. I'm pretty sure they won't over do it but one can never be to sure of that so I'm going to have to keep an eye on them and check the time for each person in here.

So when it hit 50 minutes work out, I called to a few for them to stop and take a break since it's their limit of time they exercise. I did that each time for them when they reached the limit of the time they exercise.

I did that every single day until it was about two days until they were supposed to have the next game with the 'aliens'...those two days I had them take it easy since this kinda puts a strain on first time users and all.

So they would need a day or two to recover. So I had them do light exercises, regular sleep, eating, and all that. I wasn't going to push them so much that they hurt themselves. No that's a bad idea especially with the next game coming up.

They might not see any improvement until their next match, they also need to get use to each other in the game again. So I had them do a few practice games until they got the hang of it and could actually do it. Then I had them relax and let them sleep in a bit the next day. They need all their energy for their next game which is actually tomorrow..I'm not looking forward to this yet..since I remember how it actually happened without them using my equipment and being reborn here and all... well it's time to sleep.. so I went to my room and fell asleep after brushing my teeth and changing clothes..

Finally finished with 950 words. I'm sorry if your not expecting a chapter like this but I did my best. Hope you like and enjoy. Got a question though, do you want me to make the next chapter with raimon vs the 'aliens' ? Comment what you want and until next time.. ja ne~!

Merry Christmas of 2019

Reborn in inazuma eleven and remembering my past lifeWhere stories live. Discover now