Nine percent | babysitting

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genre: fluffrequest: HONGJOSHELYNNP/b = nine percent bias~~~~~~~~~~~~~||🌸🌼💐||~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/n's p

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genre: fluff
NP/b = nine percent bias
Y/n's p.o.v

"can you please take of him?"
   "uh sure! How long will you be out?"
"6:30 now please take care of the kid!"
    "will do miss.Qiū!"

She gives the kid to me then leaves. How am I going to take care of him until 6:30! I place him down on the couch then turn on the TV.

"what do you want to watch kiddo"
    "umm peppa pig!"
"ok I will go make breakfast for you!"

Han doesn't say a word but just kept watching the TV. I start making pancakes for him then out of a sudden I feel two arms wrap around my waist.

"what you cooking?"
    "pancakes for qiū han"
"what about me-"
     "I don't know cook yourself for today"

He looked at me in disbelief then pouted as I get a plate and place it down on the table. I put syrup on the pancakes. I kiss him on the cheek then go to the living room.

"here you go han!"
   "thank you y/n-jiejie!"
"hehehe your welcome"

He hugs me then gets to eating I just giggle and pat his head. In the other side NP/b just glares han from the kitchen.

"let's go play y/n-jiejie!!"
   "ok what do you want to play?"
"umm I don't know"
     "oh you can play with NP/b!"

NP/b looks at me in shock and shakes his head no. Han excited, he jumps up and goes to his room. I just chuckled and go to NP/b.

"it's just going to be for awhile"
    "ugh fine"
"have fun!"

He glares at me then goes to his room. I start cleaning the plates that both of them left then turn off the TV.

NP/b p.o.v

"lets play NP/b-gege"
    "fine only one game"
"ok gege!"

6 games later

"I told you only one!"
"no more playing with my games!!"

Y/n comes rushing in and looks at han crying. Then rushes towards him and picks him up.

"hey what's wrong?"
     "NP/b wouldn't let me play his games!"
"it's ok you can play with my plushies ok?"

Y/n wipes his tears then kisses his forehead and lets him go to her room. Then turns to me, glaring at me.

"why didn't you let him!"
     "I did! And why does he get to play with your plushies and I don't!"
"ima just go check on han"

I grab her wrist then pout. She just looks at me and pats my head!! I wanted a kiss not a pat on the head! Why does he get a kiss on the forehead and not me! Hmph!

Y/n's p.o.v

"jiejie I like this plushie!"
     "oh you do!?"
"yes, is so cute and soft!"
      "then keep it!~"
I nod then he jumps up to me and hugs me. I hug him back then smile at him. Minutes pass and he falls asleep. I put him on my bed then cover him with my blanket.

Le time skip

"jiejie I'm hungry"
    "ok I will go microwave what your mom left you to eat"

I go to the kitchen then microwave his food. He comes to the kitchen and sits down with his panda I gave him. I give his food to him then he starts eating.

"I'm hungry too!"
    "You can cook for yourself"

NP/b looks at me and glares at me again earning a giggle from han. He looks at han and glares at him to but then I smack him. Which earned a other giggle from han.

As he finish his food someone knocks on the door. I rush to the door and open it. It his mother ready to pick him up.

   "ready to go home!"
"yes! Look at what y/n-jiejie gave me"
      "aww did you say thank you?"
"of course"
       "ok lets go~ thanks for taking care of him"

I just nod and wave as they leave. I closed the door and as soon I closed NP/b pinned me to the door.

"You have been very mean to me today!"
     "No I haven't"
"you didn't give me a kiss at all!"

I chuckled then peck him on the lips but then he holds the back of my head for he could actually kiss me.

Ya boi is back and ready to take requests 🤠

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