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Hi! New book! This is the second one I'm writing on Wattpad, and if you get a chance, go check the other one out and tell me what you think! The main character in this story is an OC of mine, I'm not sure how long I'm going to make this book, wrote it on a whim because I like yugioh and wanted to write something yugioh related, let's do this!

Note: All this takes place after the 5Ds books end, not the anime. I have not watched the anime.


Korusaka's P.O.V.

Run. Keep running. Never stop. Do not falter, do not fail, and above all, do not stop for anything.

I was out of my cell. I was tearing down the cold, metal hallway. I had been imprisoned for almost a year, and now I was escaping. Nothing would stop me. I had a head start, a huge diversion going, there was no way I would let Goodwin keep me here. Not with what he was doing to me. Suddenly, I realized that I didn't reconize the hallway I was in. Was I lost? Cursing, I figured I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. I started to go back the way I came, but heard footsteps pounding down the hallway. They must be onto me. Guess I wouldn't be going that way.

I continued to run. The people that were chasing me drew closer. Then they rounded a corner, and I could see them. A bunch of guards dressed in boring gray clothes. I ran faster.

Turning right, I saw that I had come to a dead end with only a door. Not stopping to think, I yanked it open, and came into some sort of observation room. There were a bunch of complicated computers set up, and a huge glass window overlooked a stainless steel room with maybe fifteen kids about my age dueling with duel disks on their arms. The two scientists in the room jumped when I burst in, and were too surprised to react when I threw myself at the window. I meant to break it, crash down in a bunch of cool looking glass shards, then finish my daring escape, but instead, I bounced right off it, and fell on my butt. Wincing, I looked around, grabbed a random remote thingy, and threw that at the window. It cracked the glass a bit, but not much. I needed something heavier. Before I could find something though, the guards joined the party. "Don't move!" One of them snapped.

Like I was going to listen to him. My eyes fell at last on a box of tools lying near the window. I grabbed a large metal wrench, and spinning my whole body around to gather up as much momentum as I could, hurled it at the glass. Shards flew everywhere. Some hit the electronics, which started to sizzle. The guards' and scientists' attention was momentarily distracted as they tried to shield themselves, and I quickly wriggled out the hole I made, ignoring the cuts I got, and fell the twenty feet into the next room. All the kids looked up in surprise as I hit the floor with a thud. Surprisingly, I managed not to break any bones or anything, and staggered to my feet to keep running. Arcs of electricity were going up and down the wires in the walls, until there was a bang, and everything went dark. Including the lock on the door. The kids didn't move for a second, then stampeded after me as I pushed the door open and dashed out. I didn't know why they were here, it's possible they had been captured like I had been, but right now all I wanted was freedom, so I didn't think much of it.

Not paying each other any attention, the kids and I sprinted through hallways, avoiding the ones we heard footsteps down, until we came to another large locked door. This one had one of those fancy keycard swiper pads, and didn't seem to open any other way. It looked like we were stuck. Then a girl with blonde hair and the number '4' on her back took her duel disk off her arm, and started smashing the swipe pad. It buzzed, sizzled, then went dark, and the lock clicked open.

"Wouldn't have thought to try that." I mused to myself as the group together hauled the door open. It was tough, and the door wouldn't stay open on its own. It kept being forced closed by the automatic hinges, so someone had to hold it while everyone else went past. Just as I made it past the door, I saw something that made my heartbeat quicken. A window! The first real window that actually led outside that I had seen in months! It wasn't too high off the ground, and I thought that if I jumped, I'd be able to reach it. All the other kids had already ran past me, too caught up in the terror of possibly being captured to notice it. I heard the footsteps of guards farther down the hallway, but there was no way they'd reach me before I was out of here. Then I heard a cry of pain. A blonde girl, the same blonde girl who had smashed the lock open was halfway through the doorway, and straining to hold the door open with one hand while going past it. It was clearly to much for what little strength she had left from being locked in a place like this, and by the looks of her, not given enough to eat. She stopped moving, and all her power went into making sure the heavy iron door didn't crush her. But it wasn't enough. It kept creeping towards her, getting closer and closer until her nose was almost touching it.

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