Breaking Chains

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Hello again! So now characters from the manga are being brought in! Sorry if I got a piece of info wrong, or if anyone's out of character. Please comment and vote if you like the story so far! 🤗✌🏾👍🏽


Korusaka's P.O.V.

The lights in my cell dimmed, and I marked a new scratch in the wall next to the hundreds of others. Hopefully, this would be the last one I would mark here, because I was breaking out tonight, and never coming back if I could help it.

I had been banging against the heavy metal door all day. Throwing myself on it, and weakening it slightly each time as I had been doing for the last few days. I had no food from my secret stash left, so that meant I didn't have anything to carry with me. This was it.

Taking one last look around, I breathed in, and called upon the power of one of the duel dragons I was melded with. Kyra Sun, Dawn Champion. All the strength, speed, stamina, and senses I had in me were doubled, I felt power flow through my limbs, my hair grew from its mid length dark brown mess into a silky head of long rose-gold locks, and my eyes turned from green, to silver.

I backed up against the wall, and pushed off it, slamming into the door with inhuman speed and power. The door was forced open, and just like that, I was off. Running down the hallway, I knew I had to be quick, otherwise my Dawn Power would wear off, and, well, there were consequences for using it. Every power comes with a price. But I knew I could beat my time limit. My escape had begun.

Yusei's P.O.V.

I slowed to a stop on the edge of the track, breathing heavily from my recent duel. I had won, but barely. My opponent had been skilled. Getting off my duel runner, I walked to the break room, got a bottle of water, and drank deeply.

"Awesome duel, Yusei!" Sect cried running up to me with the rest of my friends close behind.

"Thanks, Sect." I said tiredly. "It was fun."

Sect, Akiza, Leo, Luna, Crow, Kalin, and Jack had all watched my duel, and followed me to the break room.

"You were great!" Leo piped up. "You were just like, wham! And it was so super cool!"

"Nice job." said Crow. "Seeing you keep winning makes me want to rematch you even more! Why can't we duel now!?"

"Because, Crow," Akiza sighed. "Remember, we need to go investigate Goodwin's old research lab. Jack and Kalin said that Goodwin always had lots of projects going at once, and we need check it out."

We fell silent at this mention. Rex Goodwin. Just over a month ago, I had beaten him in a duel, and destroyed him, along with with his evil intentions to use the Ultimate God's power for himself.

"Well," Jack broke the silence. "We're not going to get there by just standing here. Let's go."

We all nodded, and a few minutes later, were on duel runners, driving to the recently abandoned research lab.

Korusaka's P.O.V.

I encountered no one as I made my way quickly, but cautiously through the building. It appeared to be deserted, but I didn't know for sure. When necessary, I smashed open doors, and when I came across them, I smashed computers and electrical equipment. Dawn power coursed through my body, and I felt like I could take on all the guards Goodwin had. Just then, I saw something. Sunlight. I hadn't see real sunlight for . . . . I don't know how long. It was shining through a crack under the biggest door yet.

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