At Your Side

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the reads and votes I've gotten so far on this book. Thank you for taking time out of your day to look at my stuff. You guys are the best. Also, I'm not sure if this warning is needed, but this chapter contains depressing thoughts about life, and I've seen people give warnings about stuff like that before.


Korusaka's P.O.V.

Through half closed eyelids, I watched the rain come down harder and harder with occasional flashes of lighting shooting across the sky. Suddenly, the silhouette of two people on a duel runner appeared at the mouth of the alleyway. I heard a voice call out something, but my mind was too fuzzy to make much sense of it. I sank deeper into my mental fog as the outlines of more people came into my limited vision, and when they advanced, I was to tired to do anything about it. It was like my limbs were not connected to my brain anymore.

My vision blurred as I felt my limp body being lifted up by someone, the jostling making pain throb behind my temples. My sight was pretty much lost to the blackness now, and I fell towards the welcoming arms of sleep as the small portion of strength that had stayed with me through my backlash ran out completely.

When the world swirled into focus again, the first thing I thought was that I was thirsty. No sooner had I thought this, a cup was pressed to my mouth, and cool, sweet water—much better then anything I had ever been given by Goodwin trickled down my throat.

Everything I could see was just a mishmash of color and light, but I felt that I was laying down, and that there was a blanket tucked around me. My whole body still ached, and I doubted I could move if I tried. I heard voices murmuring too softly to be understood fully, but I caught the word 'parents' somewhere in the mix. Tears filled my eyes as I remembered the piece of paper in my pocket that Mom and Dad's final goodbye to me was written on.

As wetness dripped down my cheeks, a wave of exhaustion overtook me, and my eyes fell shut again.

Akiza'a P.O.V.

I looked at the unconscious, brown haired girl. When Leo and Luna found her passed out in an alleyway, we decided to bring her to my house to rest instead of the hospital now that we knew what she was. (sorry if any living conditions don't match up to what really happens in 5Ds. What happens in this book is just how I painted things for the story) I still was trying to process what Kor had told us, but her story matched up with what me, Yusei, and the rest of the the gang had seen her capable of doing. She didn't appear to be much older then any of us though. In fact, she seemed to be around our average age which was eighteen. I remembered Kor had mentioned when telling her story that she was captured by Goodwin when she was thirteen, then spent five years as a captive, so that would put her exactly at eighteen unless I heard her wrong or messed something up.

I walked out of the guest bedroom Kor was resting in to join Yusei, Crow, Kalin, Sect, the twins, and Jack at the kitchen table.

"I'm worried about her." Yusei was saying. "When we first saw her, even as the backlash brought her down I could still see fire in her eyes. But now, it's like the fire's gone out."

"You're right." said Crow. "It's almost as if she's broken in some way."

Jack nodded. "With everything that's happened to her, it's a wonder she didn't crack sooner." 

"Yeah," I murmured. "I hope she's going to be okay." Everyone nodded in agreement.

But as the days progressed, it was very uncertain whether or not Kor would be okay. Even though she woke up about twelve hours later, she stayed in a trance of sorts. Not responding to any questions, barely drinking anything we gave her, and eating even less. Her green eyes were always dull and dripping tears, and she refused to change into any new clothes, her old gray pants and shirt growing even more crumpled. Like Crow had said, it was like Korusaka Yioka was broken. The shards of her locked away somewhere deep in her mind, and no one knew if she would ever come out again.

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