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This next chapter is mainly going to be focused on explanation about Korusaka, and her powers, and everything like that. Hope you're liking the book so far, and please vote and comment if you are!

P.S. Kyra Sun, Dawn Champion and Kyra Moon, Lunar Assassin are duel dragons I made up, and are not actual cards.


Yusei's P.O.V.

I stared in shock at the girl I had just pulled away from the collapsing warehouse. Who was she? What was she? Why was she in Goodwin's research lab, and what connection did she have to him? All these questions and more spiraled through my brain, until Akiza, who had knelt next to the mystery girl, said in a scared tone: "She's hardly breathing."

"What!?" I cried. "Why!?"

"My guess is that it has something to do with that weird energy that kept shocking her." Kalin said.

"Why did she keep running around and knocking us over?" Crow wondered.

"Because," Jack snapped. "If she hadn't, it appears we all would be buried under that right now." He pointed to the wreck of the warehouse.

"He right." said Sect. "Each time she moved us in some way, the place where we would have been was smashed with part of the building. It's like she could see what was going to happen before it did."

"Impossible." Jack scoffed. "No one can predict the future."

"That may be, Jack," I said. "But with all the crazy stuff that went down with the Ultimate God and Goodwin, I'm not sure I would be too surprised. There's definitely something odd about her, I'm just not sure what."

"We can worry about all this later!" Luna cried.

"Yeah!" Leo said. "She needs help."

"There's a hospital not too far from here." Akiza said. "Let's get there as fast as possible, and hope we're not too late."

We all nodded, and jumped on our duel runners. I was glad we had managed to bring them with us when we had escaped from the falling building. The mystery girl was with me, balancing on the back of my seat, and we went as fast as we could without her falling off.

"Please be okay." I kept silently saying to her. "I don't know who you are, or what your story is, but you seem alright, and you kept saving us when you could have gotten away. You don't deserve to die for that. Please be okay."

Korusaka's P.O.V.

"Will she be alright?"

"I think so as long as she's careful, but it was close."

"How close?"

"You all are duelists?"


"Well, if she had been dueling you, she missed losing by about fifty life points."

I slowly became aware of my surroundings as my body woke up. My eyes wouldn't open just yet, but I felt something soft beneath me, and a bright light was shining through my closed eyelids. My entire being hurt. It felt like I had just been forced to run five marathons across a mountain range with a hundred pound pack of bricks on my back, and for some reason, the tip of my tongue really hurt. I attempted to move my hand, but I was so weak and sore, all I could manage was a finger. Groaning, I forced my eyes open to see myself lying in a hospital bed with a doctor and a bunch of people with crazy hair in the room. They looked sort of familiar . . . . . 

Then it came back to me. The warehouse, me pushing my Dawn and Lunar Powers too far and collapsing from the backlash, Yusei, Crow, the Teal Kids, Pale Boy, Blue Hair Guy, Pink Hair, Blondie, had everyone gotten out okay? They must have if they were all in front of me and I was the only one getting treated.

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